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{ WARNING! There is a nod to Ash's past sexual assault in this chapter. If you are sensitive, don't read the italics. 

Anyways, hi! Sorry for the late update. I moved for the first time in my life and am settling into my dorm while also writing two fanfictions behind the scenes. Plus you know, corona does wonders for writer's block. Now that I'm moved in I should update much more frequently! I love you all and thank you for being so patient. 

-Soki :) }

Ash normally woke up very early, earlier than the average thug, and even earlier than the average normal person. Except... something was different about that morning. If he would've felt someone next to him on any other day, he would've pulled a knife and shanked them out of reflex, but not then.

As he lifted his drowsy head, he found that Eiji had rolled over onto him in the middle of the night, the other's left arm draped over him and Eiji's head resting on his chest. Ash told himself that he couldn't think more of it than it was, slowly trying to untangle himself from the Japanese male. That was when he realized that he'd wrapped one of his own arms around Eiji as well, making his heart beat faster.

GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! He wasn't supposed to have any sort of feelings left after everything. Ash felt the urge to rip out his own hair from frustration, then took a deep breath and got off of the slightly deflated air mattress. He calmed himself and covered Eiji back up with the covers, an action which made him stir slightly. Thankfully, though, he stayed sleeping.

Ash resisted the voice in his head telling him to hurl himself out the window and went down from the loft. He needed a second to think about things. On his way out, he saw that everyone else was still passed out downstairs.

The sun outside was just beginning to peek out from behind the hill, reddish orange in its color. The backdrop was also purply pink and there were pretty grey clouds in the sky as well. He walked out there, putting his hands in his pockets and strolling through the damp grass. It was cool and crisp out there, about 50 degrees. He liked it that way, not too hot and not too cold.

After he reached the hill, he sat down and tucked his knees to his chest, watching the sun and the grass as it swayed in the breeze.

" Eiji..." He murmured. " Why are you so nice to someone like me...?"

It didn't take long after that for Eiji's body to notice the warmth beside him was gone and wake him up. He looked around and yawned, seeing that Ash was nowhere to be found. The sun was barely out and he squinted while looking out the window.

After heading downstairs from the loft, Eiji found Shorter and Skip awake, looking at something on Shorter's phone.

" Morning." Skip whispered, not wanting to wake up Max or Ibe.

" Good morning." Eiji replied quietly. " Do you know where Ash went?"

" I thought I heard him slip out earlier." Shorter yawned. He looked sort of different without his sunglasses on, but it was too early in the morning to wear them yet. He needed to give his eyes a minute to adjust first.

" Alright... I'm going for a walk." Eiji told them, then pulled the door open and escaped without making much noise.

Skip glanced over at Shorter, who was already looking to him.

" Did you really hear Ash leave or did you just tell him that?" He asked.

" I really heard him." Shorter replied. He couldn't help himself. He just wanted to see Ash happy, but that couldn't happen if he kept avoiding the things that brought him joy.

Worth It {Ash x Eiji}Where stories live. Discover now