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{ *sips tea*

I brewed some tea for you all. Come on, take a seat. You know you want to... ;). }

" Ash, you were late to school for the past two days. What's going on?"

Ash said nothing and poked at his breakfast. He and the makeshift family of his were all sitting at the table and having a morning meal together, and Max looked up to Jessica. She stood up and pushed in her chair, taking Michael from the seat beside her.

" Come on, honey, Daddy and Ash have to talk about something really quick." She said, and the little boy looked across the table before gripping his mother's hand and walking with her out into the other room.

" Is something going on?" Max asked, setting down his fork.

" Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to." Ash lowly replied. Max knew that he was the head of a gang, yes, that much was true. But as far as the foster father was aware, things had been relatively peaceful recently. What was Ash supposed to say? He tried not to bring up Dino.

Max became more concerned at that and raised his eyebrows.

" Ash, I'm worried. I need you to tell me what's going on."

" Why? There's nothing you'll be able to do about it anyhow besides write it in the paper, and believe me... that's the last thing you want to do." Ash kept looking down.

" Is it something with Golzine? Is he giving you problems again?" Max asked. That was his first thought, being that Ash and he had quite a history, even if things had been quiet recently.

" So what if it is? I just have to go to school and act like a good boy regardless." Ash remarked.

" Don't be like that. If you're about to get tangled up with something, I need to know you're safe. If you're in danger by leaving this house then take a sick day-"

Ash had been gritting his teeth up until then, but he couldn't take it anymore. Max wasn't stupid, don't get him wrong, but when it came to this type of thing, he was dumber than a box of rocks.

" Don't you get it?! This isn't about one day! And frankly, you all are safer when I'm not here!" He yelled. " I'm not meant for school! It doesn't make any sense for me to be there. I'm a fucking ruthless murderer!"

" Don't speak about yourself that way!" Max raised his voice. " You still have a chance in this world!"

" Only as a killer! In case you didn't notice, the old man gave me a better education than any class ever could!" Ash stood and looked down at him, livid. " You expect too much of a thug like me!"

Max made a face as he tried to keep his temper at bay. Ash was such a smart boy and yet he could be so stupid. It was infuriating that he wouldn't just abandon the gang life, but at the same time, he tried to think of it from Ash's perspective. Those guys were his second family and it was sad to say, but he couldn't betray them. It would be like betraying himself.

" Listen... just... can you promise me that if you leave today, you'll at least try to be safe? I know that I can't keep you away from your guys, but I can plead with you to keep track of yourself." Max begged.

Ash pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing that with everything that was going on, it might be better if he wasn't home for the next few days.

" I'll be at Shorter's for a while. Some of my guys will be watching over the house, and in the meantime, you need to lock all of the doors and set the security system." Ash said before walking out of the kitchen. He found Michael in the living room, struggling to tie his shoes like Jessica had left him to do.

Worth It {Ash x Eiji}Where stories live. Discover now