Just for Now

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{ Did someone order fluff? :D well... for the most part.}

The sun was setting and the moon was creeping above the New York skyline, and Eiji had come inside of the condo by then. He looked around the open concept design and the expensive flooring and wall art, his jaw dropping. How the hell had Ash managed to afford this? Eiji knew that if he asked, Ash might've deflected the question, so he didn't for right then.

" This will be where you live for a while, Eiji... I hope you like it." Ash told him, leaning against the counter. He was truthfully a little nervous that Eiji would get bored of the space, but he had tried his absolute best to make sure the other wouldn't get cooped up. He'd bought the most expensive and comfortable beds and couches, as well as other furniture to assure Eiji would be at home. He'd made sure everything had curtains they could shut if need be, and only one of the windows wasn't tinted from the outside.

Eiji was still floored as he looked back to Ash.

" I would be a total snob if I didn't like this place, Ash." The Japanese male replied. " This is like three times the size of my house..."

Ash smiled. Maybe it made his heart flutter to be giving Eiji what he deserved, maybe it didn't. The world wouldn't know until he decided to say so.

" Here, let's get you settled in." Ash picked up one of the duffel bags Eiji had and took it back into the hall, and Eiji followed him with two suitcases dragging behind. He couldn't help but think of earlier with Shorter and his parents. Keeping how he felt from Ash was taxing, but what could he even do about it? Love declarations in Japan were the way that relationships began. Most of the time, people didn't even go on dates before one was made. And for all Eiji knew, the last thing Ash wanted was a relationship.

" You alright?" Ash asked, and Eiji nearly bumped into him as he walked with his mind wandering. His face grew red and he nervously chuckled, looking to the side.

" Fine. I'm fine." He lied. " Just... this place. It's gonna take me awhile to get used to, that's all..."

Ash looked at Eiji skeptically. His gut instincts were usually right on point, and he knew that something was going on with Eiji. He would have to keep his eye on him to figure out exactly what, but he knew that he would get to the bottom of it eventually.

" I understand that. It is pretty big." Ash let out a tiny laugh, hoping to fool Eiji. The last thing he would ever want to do was make him worry. " Now what are we gonna do about dinner? I didn't really get any food..."

Eiji perked up at that.

" Don't think this is a cop out. We're not just gonna order pizza every night." He poked his finger against Ash's chest, making the blonde gulp. Eiji could be a little scary at times, not like he'd ever admit to it.

" Well what do you suggest we do then?" He asked Eiji, raising a brow. And Eiji was fully aware that Ash was in dire need of nutrients and he didn't eat nearly enough good food to sustain all the physical activity he did.

" I saw a grocery store downstairs on the way in. I'll go grocery shopping and I'll cook us something healthy." Eiji smiled. He was going to help Ash in any way he could, and home cooked meals would be one of the first steps of that. In Japan, they had cup noodles and shit food just like in America, but they also ate dinner almost every night together. His dad was only there every other two weeks because of work, but his mom was always sure that the kids ate well. Plus, Eiji was an athlete. His protein and carb intake had been pretty steady for years.

Ash grimaced.

" If you cook that stinky food again-"

" You'll eat it." Eiji continued smiling, pressing his finger against Ash's chest. " You can't live on potato chips."

Worth It {Ash x Eiji}Where stories live. Discover now