Adjustment Period

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(( I heard someone liked sprinkles of fluff to distract from their hate for Dino. Soki at your service, bestie.))

Having things be awkward was never what Eiji had wanted. He knew that there would be a period of adjustment, and that was only natural, but he couldn't help but shun it. All he wanted to do was cast any doubts aside and love Ash with everything he had. They were different from other people.

He looked up at Ash as he let the water out of the sink, having just finished the dishes for the night. The blonde was just emerging from the back bedroom, wearing some of the pajamas Eiji had gotten for him a few days earlier.

" You coming to bed?" Ash asked him, drying his hair with a towel. He'd just finished washing himself up, staring at Eiji with an endearing gaze. Maybe he didn't realize it himself, but the expression he had was one of love.

Eiji flicked off the kitchen lights and nodded.

" Yeah... I'll be right in." He said, smiling slightly.

Ash could tell that something was off with Eiji, and so he let the towel rest on his shoulder, coming to stand before him.

" I know this is all a little... weird... but... I think it's best we finally told each other how we feel..." Ash said. He put a hand on Eiji's shoulder and mustered a smile, and in his eyes Eiji knew that he was serious.

Reaching up and putting his hand over Ash's, Eiji felt better. That was a relief to hear.

" Me too..." He replied.

They both stayed silent for a moment, but once they realized that they'd been looking into each other's eyes for way too long, they both blushed. Ash turned away and coughed to himself, heading to the bedroom, and Eiji basically had no choice but to follow him. Even if he was flustered, that wouldn't change the fact that they shared a room.

Eiji was already wearing comfy clothes to sleep in, and he crawled into his own bed soon enough. Still, though, Ash's lamp was on. He wondered what the other still had on his mind.

Ash's face was tinted red as he turned over to Eiji. He may or may not have been building up the courage to ask him something. But how the hell would he do it?

" What is it?" Eiji asked him, pulling one of his pillows against his chest. He was too innocent for his own good and it was clear just from the way he sat.

" I was wondering... maybe... could you try sleeping in my bed tonight?"

Eiji's eyes widened slightly, but not extremely so. He hadn't been expecting that one, being as Ash had always been so reserved about things like that.

" With you?" The Japanese male asked. " I don't see why not..."

Ash scratched the back of his neck.

" I sleep better when you're beside me, Eiji..." He confessed. " Man... I never thought I would actually tell you that..."

" Me either..." Eiji chuckled, making Ash purse his lips and blush more. He'd never really been good at hiding it when he was worked up, and this was no exception.

Grabbing his pillow, Eiji set it beside Ash and got onto his bed next to him. His legs were straight and he leaned his back against the headboard of the bed.

It really was like a scene from a sitcom with both of them sitting there like that. Eiji glanced over at Ash, almost like he wasn't sure what to do next. And that was because he had no clue. Absolutely none.

" Want to... um... watch some TV before we sleep?" Ash asked. He had never been good at being romantic or showing his feelings like other, more normal people. But then again, he wasn't normal at all.

Worth It {Ash x Eiji}Where stories live. Discover now