Chapter 1 - Reunited

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The first thing it saw was that it was enclosed in a smooth yet frigid, transparent material, Glass, Something started ringing through its newly formed consciousness. The next thing it saw was a dark room with several flickering light, Nothing mattered to it, as it felt a great desire to return to its rightful place. It's other, the being who promised it a home and comfort.

When a hideous, multi-limb monster came into Its sight, the ooze contemplated where it was and how it had come to be here, and realized that It belonged somewhere else. The horrible thing was hung in the air by four iron arms. Its limbs and legs dangled uselessly as it moved, its breath raspy and heavy. The person approached, drawing the ugly face closer to the container to examine it. As the metal arms touched the glass, the ooze recoiled, and the doctor murmured to himself. When the human stepped back, he looked at data on a nearby screen. It hit the glass that was trapping it, generating a gentle pinging noise with each impact.

The symbiote piqued the human's interest as he turned to face the sounds. He wondered whether it had a mind of its own. Could it reason? Was it attempting to flee or murder him by breaking the glass? So many intriguing questions, and he couldn't wait to find out the answers.

With two of his metal arms, the scientist approached the glass container containing the symbiote, poking and probing the creature with various sharp and painful instruments. This carried on for hours, and It became enraged with the human, especially when he removed a portion of Itself and placed it somewhere else. The symbiote didn't know where, but it felt tremendous pain as the little bit of It perished from a rush of energy that rapidly burnt it.

 "Intriguing... it contains the most deadly aspects of Spider-man's DNA. Distilled aggression. Pure venom, " it heard the creature mutter again. The symbiote had rapidly grown tired of the terrible tests, loathed the one who had caused the agony, and wished to reciprocate the misery inflicted upon It,  But it had a more essential task to do, so the ugly thing's death would have to wait. Despite the tortures, the dark entity got stronger.

When the moment was right and the humans' backs were turned to It, It shattered through the glass cage, it fractured into countless fragments on the floor. The human executed a one-eighty, gasping at the sight of the symbiote expanding and producing several tentacles with ease, slicing through thick wires and equipment. Then it developed a massive tendril of black ooze, which it used to destroy the wall and burrow through the rock behind it.

When it finally burst through the dense layer, it was entirely submerged in a liquid. It was cool and flowing, not unlike to itself in shape, and it found it pleasurable. But it couldn't remain here much longer. There was something It had to do.Its existence was infused with a siren's song, an enticing cry to discover the one it had come from, and it promised to complete the symbiote fragmented being, that which it needed above all else.

It drifted over the surface like an oil mark on the sea, until it came upon a massive conduit that headed deep into the city. It moved through the tubes, unaffected by the muck that flowed through them, intently pursuing the pull. The Other moved quickly and frequently, and it took an interminable period of time for the Other to eventually settle down, making It tense with eagerness.

It moved rapidly through the water system, following in the footsteps of Its loving Other, until it came to a tiny area with several entrances. But there was another figure in the room that It didn't like because it was too bright, and it was taller and bulkier than Its counterpart.When the human grabbed him and violently threw him into one of the cubicles while speaking in an arrogant, condescending tone, it was outraged. It whirled about in the water of said cubicle.The blond peered at the black fluid, initially perplexed, then terrified as it surged forward, becoming one enormous tendril with smaller ones bordering it, and a pair of eyes and a mouth decorated the top. It grinned as it saw its Beloved for the first time, staring at the brunette with captivated attention.

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