Ch 10 - In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Hunt for the Tinkerer

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Venom had at long last achieved its coveted desire, merging seamlessly with Peter's consciousness, corporeal form, and very essence. Its dominion had engulfed the city, anticipating Peter's unquestioning embrace of this new reality, where anguish and torment would be eradicated, replaced solely by an eerie and relentless ecstasy. The symbiote's progeny, too, faithfully pursued this haunting vision, disseminating throughout the urban landscape. Every citizen who fell under their sway found themselves inundated with an unsettling rapture, their existence twisted into a macabre dance of pleasure.

The tendrils of the symbiote had extended even into the depths of the city's prison, its insidious influence pervading every corner. While the majority of the city's populace had succumbed to its control, the incarcerated criminals met a grim fate at the hands of the symbiote's relentless progeny, their lives brutally extinguished. Amidst the chaos, the Tinkerer, by some stroke of luck, had managed to elude the clutches of the symbiote, cowering within a storage container, desperate to escape its eerie grasp. Meanwhile, the Rhino, a formidable force of untamed strength, had miraculously survived, using his brutal strength to stop any symbiote in its wake.

Shield agents descended upon the prison with a formidable arsenal, prepared to liberate the imprisoned Tinkerer from the clutches of darkness. Accompanied by renowned heroes like Nova and Iron Fist, they ventured forth, their resolve unwavering. However, the path they forged was treacherous, for with each step forward, more soldiers fell victim to the insidious influence of the symbiotes, swelling the ranks of the infected hive mind. Despite the losses, Nova and Iron Fist persevered, navigating the labyrinthine prison until they reached the hidden haven where the Tinkerer sought refuge. With skill and determination, they shattered the prison's hold on the Tinkerer, freeing him from his prison cell.

Yet, Venom, guided by its offspring, keenly sensed the unfolding events. It believed that its host, Peter, possessed a superior intellect, surpassing the Tinkerer's cunning. The symbiotic entity remained steadfast in its conviction, confident that it would ultimately triumph over those who dared challenge its influence.

After rescuing the tinkerer, the squad carried him to the building's roof, where he was picked up by Natasha, also known as the Black Widow. They transported him to the hellicarrier, unaware that the ship would be hijacked and taken over by lustful symbiotes eager to satisfy their father.

In the confines of the SHIELD laboratory, Nick Fury questioned the Tinkerer, seeking to understand the nature of the symbiote. "Is this symbiote some new technological creation?" he asked, hoping for a straightforward answer.

The Tinkerer, however, responded with a simple but chilling "No." He went on to explain that the symbiote was, in fact, a living organism derived from the blood cells of Peter Parker himself. This unique origin imbued the symbiote with an insatiable desire to reunite with its former host, leading to its transformation into the formidable entity known as Venom.

Curiosity burning within him, Nick Fury probed further, asking why the symbiote sought to spread its influence throughout the city. The Tinkerer paused for a moment before replying, "It follows Parker's original heroic instincts." He elucidated that by seizing control of the city, the symbiote believed it could compel the populace to abstain from criminal activities and eradicate pain and suffering altogether. The Tinkerer surmised that this motivation stemmed from the traumatic loss of Peter's aunt, fueling the symbiote's desperate quest for a twisted form of justice.

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