Chapter 4 (Remake) - Changes Part 2

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A fresh day had begun, and Peter was still sleeping in his bed. Aunt May entered the room and opened the window shades, enabling sunshine to get in and awaken up Peter.

The symbiote was still posing as underwear, but it had been awakened by the light, which made it angry. This additionally made Peter furious, yet he knew he had to go to school. Peter awoke from his sleep and proceeded towards the restroom to take a shower, brush his teeth, and put on his school uniform.

Peter changed and walked downstairs to be greeted with chocolate pancakes and eggs with bread. Peter thanked his relative and began eating.

"You have grown so much since the last time I saw you peter, did you attend the gym without me noticing" Aunt may asked, "You seem bigger than usual."

"No worry aunt may, I have always been this way, I just decided to dye my hair black" peter answered, uninterested "You know change some things, sometimes changes are needed."

Peter then walked towards the door, not before kissing his aunt on the cheek. He looked at his watch and realized he was late for school, so he willed the black costume on as the regular Spiderman outfit for the time being.

As he swung through the city, the people looked in awe at the costume change. Some thought the new suit looked more threatening than usual, & others decided to ignore it.

The symbiote loved to cover peter whole with its mass, but agreed on staying as Spiderman, to keep his identity hidden. The symbiote made some changes to the outfit, it changed his hands into claws, & it jagged his eyes.

When he reached the school, the suit turned into its normal school attire, & he entered the school. He reached his class and started his normal day. The symbiote vibrated around his body giving him massages and keeping him warm. He slept throughout the class, only answering when the teacher asked him a question.

~Lunch Break~

During this time, MJ and Harry track him down at his locker. They were intrigued by Peter's unexpected growth surge and resolved to inquire.

"Tiger, look at you, you have grown, What have you been doing?" MJ asked amazed, & with an unnoticeable blush on her face.

She had to acknowledge that his abrupt transformation made him appealing. His musculature could be seen through his attire. His veins were larger than usual, but his skin remained healthful and soft. MJ noticed the spider tattoo on the side of his neck, which was concealed by a scarf, despite the fact that the symbiote had obscured it.

"Yeah, no worries I decided to change my style a bit" Peter said "What do you think? Do I look good?"

"Yeah nice change, you look like an emo, a healthy one for sure." Harry answered "What happened that night though? I did not see you after the incident."

"I escaped through another door, I was to far away from the main door and people flooded the entrance quickly." Peter answered, calm

His calm attitude assured both of them that he was not lying and that they should leave the issue alone. Peter observed his teammates approaching his position through the rear entrance, with questioning expressions and a concerned expression from Ava.

MJ chose to remain, while Harry went to the bathroom to tidy up. She had observed how Ava had glanced at Peter over the years and was envious of her actions. Peter had been a favorite of hers since he assisted her with an assignment at the Daily Bugle.

"Hey Pete,  we need to talk" Luke told peter while he looked at MJ, "In private"

Peter chose to follow them to another location, leaving MJ confused as to what was so private that they needed to be somewhere else. She was annoyed that he would be alone with Ava, but she chose to depart because Harry had reached her.

~In Another location~

Peter was surrounded by his teammates who looked at him with questioning looks wanting to know what happened since he was forcefully bonded with that monster.

"How are you still here, what about the monster that 'Kidnapped' you?" asked Danny, "You seem different, your aura is a lot darker, did you manage to separate yourself from it or is it disguising as you?"

"What are you saying, of course I managed to separate myself from it, I found out its weakness and decided to exploit it". Peter said "I went to my aunts home after that"

"We are just worried about you pete, even though we hate each-other, I felt guilty for not doing enough" bucket head said, "Also your look gave me nightmares"

"No worries, you were in a weakened state, don't worry about it." peter said "Anyway I have class to attend, see ya later."

He then departed to complete his class. When he finished schooling, he changed from his black and white uniform to the common red and blue suit to escape detection. He stopped ordinary criminals in the afternoon without devouring their heads. His colleagues tracked him down and followed from behind.

When darkness fell, the symbiote encompassed him and grew in bulk to form his common monstrous frame. The symbiote strengthened its connection with him by eating criminal heads and growing in power.


Nick fury had been following the recent reports of the grotesque being in the city. He also saw how many of the criminals halted by this being were never discovered. Was this the same beast from the party? Was it another of Dr. Octopus' creations?

He summoned the squad, including Spiderman, to a conference. He described the scenario to the squad and requested them to follow this being and determine whether it was a hero or a criminal. After screaming like a b*tch from his vivid imagination, peter left home. Not after telling the team he was sick and would stay home.

The symbiote covered him again at night and proceeded on patrol, disregarding what Nick Fury had said. The squad quickly traced it down and followed him around the city.

The symbiote detected this and chose to face the squad. After seeing the squad, the symbiote became more frustrated. The more it grew in power and bulk, the angrier it became. The crew observed how the being expanded and grew. It was the same monster from party, but bigger, with sharper and angrier talons.

The crew watched in terror as the monster transformed into the monstrosity of the night, only larger and bulkier. It also appeared to have gowned in power.

The horror only increased when it screamed in a loud & angry voice "We are Venom, & you are our soon to be snacks", its voice sounded like a demon.


What will happen in the next chapter, will the team be able to beat the creature without their team leader? Who is the host of this creature?

Hello everybody hope you like the new chapter,  on the next one we will see how the team fights this being.

Thanks for reading

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