Chapter 2 - Bonding

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A cocoon could be seen hanging in the center of a waterfall in a cold and musky sewer. The cocoon was black, pulsating, and hot, despite the frigid air passing within. A human could be seen inside the cocoon, held securely by the cocoon, tendrils moving through the body as though protecting the individual.

Inside peter's mind, a dark void could be seen, so dark his reflection was visible. Waking up from his pleasurable & calm haze, he looked around for someone familiar or waking up in bed. Instead he woke up in a dark place. Panicking peter moved trying to get free from this dark prison.

A sudden thought came to him, urging him to relax and that he's in a safe place. He calms down after going over the thought, attempting to recollect recent events. The fear returns with vigor as he recalls being obliged to be the host of a creature in order to save his teammates. He moves desperately, only to be held by a swarm of dark tentacles.

The tentacles wrap over his arms, waist, and legs. The tentacles give an odd sensation, yet they were warm and pleasant. He tried to flee, expecting to be squeezed to death by them, but was pulled down to the floor. The ground was the same as the dark emptiness, mirroring his scared expression while attempting to grasp onto him. As he pulls back, the void  gave away, causing him to plummet to the ground. He reincorporated himself and investigated the environment in which he was confined.

It was covered with dark webs, that connected to the walls & the floors.

"Hey, is anyone here?, What exactly are you?, & why am I here?" he said, attempting to reason with the entity that had imprisoned him. A black mass emerged from the earth, with tentacles spreading erratically upwards. They continued until they came to a halt, producing a black humanoid figure. The face had been split in half, filled with jagged fangs, and white wide eyes that stared at him.

"A safe place, where you will feel comfortable and warm, and more importantly, where you and I will become one," the creature says in response to the inquiry, "Where you and I shall be whole".

"What do you mean? Why me?" Peter responded in search of an explanation for what the creature meant and why he was chosen. The creature grew in size and thumped on the floor as it got closer to Peter.

"I chose you because you are my perfect host; I feel a drag towards you," the monster purred. "A strong pull that compels me to follow. When you become one with me, you will understand. Consider the power: we would be able to defend all lives, protect ourselves from those who would harm us, and prevent what happened to Uncle Ben."

Peter surprised by the answer of the creature, he had never forgotten about his uncle ben & his wise words. With Power Comes Great Responsibility, but this was his chance to gain more power. He would be able to protect the innocent, aunt may, & his friends.

The symbiote also told him that he only needed it to have more power, that he would never feel alone ever again. It pledged to defend both him and their link. It also warned him to stop being so selfless for a change, that the people he was protecting did not appreciate him, and that criminals should be executed to prevent them from committing additional crimes.

He gradually came to agree with the creature, remembering how people hurled trash at him, insulted him, and badmouthed him when he was simply trying to protect them. He recalls handing over prisoners to the police just to have them escape. How his want to be hero teammates merely dragged him down and did not support him. Thinking about how he could defend his aunt again, he decided to agree with the creature, embracing it and forever merging in mind and spirit.

"Fine, I accept, Let's accomplish this and protect this city and Aunt May together!" he said. Even though the symbiote didn't want to protect someone who wasn't its beloved host, he could use her as a pretext to keep Peter from severing the tie and embracing it entirely.

The symbiote swiftly approached Peter, embraced him, and absorbed him whole. At that instant, two minds fused into one, both tightly linked. The cocoon throbbed on the exterior while the human within changed. Peter's skin absorbed more of the black fluid as a result of his total acceptance of the symbiote.

As the dark liquid flooded his veins, they pulsed. As the symbiote joined with him, his insides felt warm and cozy. His muscles enlarged, and the white spider emblem on his body grew and linked. Peter appeared to be a professional football player with his new physical appearance.

As their minds and bodies fused, their bond became permanent and complete. This made it difficult for them to ever be apart. The cocoon burst, releasing a massive creature that yelled its name into the sewage canals, causing an echo.

"We are Venom," it yelled, using we instead of I to represent their union. He felt that the best course of action would be to return to May and calm her down over his disappearance, so he left for Queens.

Venom took advantage of its new abilities and flowed through the sewer cap, swinging away into the night for some criminals before returning home. A new anti-hero had emerged, promising to put an end to all crime in the city with terror and vigor.


I decided to make the symbiote use both uncle ben & aunt may to influence peter into remaining with their bond. Instead of the symbiote being in full control, both will be in control with the symbiote influencing his actions from behind. The symbiotes hunger will affect him by making him hungry for brains. In order to stop peter from knowing this he will be rendered unconscious during this strikes. Hope you like my story & give any feedback for future parts & stories.

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