Chapter 8: "The Trigger and The Truth"

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Peter had woken up earlier that morning. His aunt had observed that he had woken up earlier than usual. She additionally noticed that he exercised more frequently. It was also the weekend, & peter was know by her to wake up pretty late on these days.

Peter, however, was not in the mood to sleep in given that he knew SHIELD would pursue them for what they did and that it was just a matter of time.

He went downstairs & ate breakfast, he then left the house after saying goodbye to aunt may. He however failed to notice the villain "Taskmaster" right outside waiting for him to come out. (The goblin does not exist in this AU, because Dr.Octopus never turned norman due to being dead. ) 

Taskmaster was able to obtain information about the symbiote from Dr. Octopus's former laboratory. He was aware that he and his troops could use the symbiote as an invincible weapon. 

After Peter left to perform his Spiderman duties, the taskmaster got everything ready by placing bombs throughout the house. Then he awaited his arrival.

The taskmaster also missed the remnant of the symbiote that was left at the house. However, it had no desire to protect Aunt May. It saw this as a chance to get what it wanted at last. The miserable criminal had no idea that it was because of him that the world would be brought under control.

~In Another Place~

The squad, with the exception of Peter, went to the location of the hellicarier's crash to rescue the surviving agents and Nick Fury. They moved to a nearby facility to get ready for the events after gathering the remainder of the agents. They were unaware that they would be too late to prevent the imminent catastrophe.

However the team had grown suspicious of peters late disappearances, & had been able to put together  enough evidence to realize that peter was the host of the rampaging monster. The team like taskmaster were also able to capture valuable info of the symbiote, finding out that it fed on rage. It however had no hazardous effect on parker due to it being made from his blood.

Nick Fury: Good evening, everyone.  As you may have been informed, we had been recently attacked by the creature. After that we decided to obtain info regarding peters late appearances & absences.  I've called this meeting because I have reason to believe that Peter Parker may be the new host of the Venom symbiote.

Iron Fist: What evidence do you have, Fury?

Nick Fury: First of all, Peter has been missing for a few days now. He hasn't responded to any calls or messages. Secondly, some of our sources have reported a sudden increase in Peter's muscle mass, which is consistent with the symbiote's abilities.

Luke Cage: That's not enough evidence, Fury. There could be other reasons for Peter's disappearance and muscle growth.

Nova: Yeah, Fury, we can't just jump to conclusions without solid proof. He could have just been working out, & you said it increased rage, but peter seemed normal to me.

White Tiger: (emotionally) But I know Peter better than anyone, and he would never do something like this willingly. He's a good person.

Iron Fist: We understand how you feel, White Tiger, but we need to approach this logically. We should investigate further before making any assumptions.

Nick Fury: Agreed. We'll split up and gather more information. Keep your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.

Luke Cage: Should we notify the Avengers or the Fantastic Four?

Nick Fury: Not yet. We don't want to cause unnecessary panic. Let's gather more information first and then decide on our next course of action.

Nova: Understood. We'll keep you posted.

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