Chapter 7 - Breakout and Standoff

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A strategy began to take shape in Venom's head as he peered at the sophisticated cell created just for him. He was aware that he couldn't stay in there for very long since the longer he stayed, the more likely it was that Dr. Connors would learn his secret.

Venom was looking inside the jail walls for a weakness while Peter slept soundly. He discovered a fracture in the cell's edge, where a plastic tube holding the system's wires was located. He took off the shackles and climbed to the top of the cage.

The symbiote used its tendrils to make a drill (similar to the one it used to escape Dr. Octopus Lab) after scaling the edge. The hole was just big enough for a single tendril. Venom then went on to attach to the cables and enter the cage systems.

After establishing a long-lasting bond with Peter's body, the symbiote developed resistance to intense electrical currents. Venom began to hack into the cell's systems after thoroughly examining them and using his symbiotic abilities to interact with the machinery. It didn't take him long to identify a weak spot, and with a sudden outpouring of force, he was able to overload the cell's electrical connections and cause the door to slip open.

He moved through the facility's hallways with a furious determination, using his dexterity and stealth to avoid being seen. But it didn't take long for Dr. Connors and his group to learn that Venom had fled. Guards and security personnel raced to catch the deadly symbiote as the complex went on high alert. Venom, though, had the upper hand. He was able to avoid the guards and sneak past the facility's security systems unnoticed by using his highly developed senses. He was aware that he had to leave the building before they could identify its host identity.

As Venom made his way through the facility, he suddenly found himself cornered by a group of SHIELD agents. They had been tipped off about his escape and had been waiting for him, ready to take him down.

But Venom wasn't about to go down without a fight. With a snarl, he launched himself at the agents, his symbiotic powers giving him an edge over his human opponents. The fight was intense, with Venom moving quickly and striking hard, taking down agent after agent with ease.

"Is that all you've got?" Venom taunted, dodging a blast from one of the agents' weapons. "We thought SHIELD was supposed to be the best of the best!"

But the agents weren't backing down. They continued to fire at Venom, determined to bring him down. "You're a danger to society," one of the agents shouted. "We can't let you run loose!"

Venom just laughed. "You can't control US," he snarled, grabbing one of the agents and hurling him across the room. " We are the ultimate predator!"

The fight continued, with Venom taking down agent after agent, his powers and abilities overwhelming his opponents. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the last agent fell to the ground, defeated and broken.

Panting heavily, Venom looked around the room, feeling a sense of triumph wash over him. He had beaten SHIELD, proving once and for all that he was not to be underestimated.

"You should have known better than to mess with Us," Venom growled, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. "We are Venom, and We will not be stopped!"

With that, he turned and made his way out of the facility, escaping through a hole made on a wall.

Venom couldn't help but recall a time when a portion of his symbiote had been forcibly torn from his skin as he advanced approached the SHIELD Helicarrier. He was furious at the thought and shouted indignantly as he recalled the suffering and humiliation they had gone through.

~Flashback to the laboratory~

Venom was strapped to plain metal table where Dr.Connors and a few other scientists studied the symbiotes powers and abilities. They had managed to isolate a small piece of the symbiote, which they believed could be used to separate it from its host.

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