Ultimate Spiderman: Carnage Episode AU

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The Green Goblin managed to capture Peter with the intention of transforming him into his ideal son. He used the original serum he had developed for Venom, who turned into carnage. Taking control of its host, the new symbiote embarked on a mission to kill both the heroes and Spiderman. However, the outcome did not unfold as anticipated, as the red symbiote only required contact with the original to undergo a transformation.

The red symbiote engaged in a fierce battle against the heroes and emerged victorious, defeating each one of them. It then attempted to kill Harry, who had summoned it as Venom. However, when the red symbiote tried to attack Harry with a tendril, something unexpected happened. The tendril darkened, resulting in a dramatic turn of events. This contact was enough for the red symbiote to absorb all traces of the original symbiote from Harry's body.

Having assimilated the remaining traces, the black ooze reclaimed its host body, overpowering the red symbiote. The symbiote, now completely black, underwent a remarkable transformation. It started expanding and increasing in size, while simultaneously forming a wide open mouth, revealing a menacing, gaping maw. Additionally, its eyes underwent a change, transforming into sharp, white eyes.

As the transformation progressed, the symbiote's hands morphed into larger, razor-sharp claws. Simultaneously, its voice underwent a monstrous alteration. With a deep and menacing tone, it declared, "We are Venom! And we will put an end to this once and for all." The symbiote harbored intense anger towards the Green Goblin for attempting to bond its host with a different type of symbiote. Harry watched in disbelief, wondering if the symbiote had truly rejected him.

Now in control of peters body the symbiote swinged away towards Goblins lab and crash landed through the window. Once he reached the lab, it broke the window and roared. Goblin looked up in disbelief, he had sent carnage not venom. 

"Venom?" The goblin asked in confusion

"Yes, but we are something greater. We are complete!You tried to bond my family to another, attempted to claim ownership over him. But he solely belongs to us!" Venom declared fiercely, baring its teeth in a menacing display.

"What?!" Goblin shouted in surprise as a sharp tendril was swiftly sent his way. Reacting swiftly, he managed to evade it and attempted to assert control over the symbiote by using his gauntlet's electricity. "Obey me, Symbiote!" Goblin screamed, electrocuting the ooze.

However, now bonded with its true host, the symbiote was unaffected by such weaknesses. It disregarded the attack and retaliated with a massive whip-like claw, hurling Goblin through numerous walls, causing widespread destruction.

"We no longer belong to you. You are nothing but a feeble weakling compared to us! Allow us to demonstrate," Venom declared once again, seizing Goblin by the foot and mercilessly slamming him into multiple walls. The symbiote then tightened its grip on the whip and delivered a powerful uppercut, leaving Goblin unconscious and defeated.

"Good Riddance, now for Dessert" Venom said as he was about to devour goblins head whole. His attempt was stopped as iron fist landed a punch at the bonded duo not separating them. Harry appeared from the shadows having been taken to the lab by white tiger after begging to go.

"Peter please stop this, this is not who you are!" Harry screamed at peter only to be dragged and pushed against the wall. 

"I am a monster, he is a monster, he deserves to die!" Venom screamed at Harry, its claws tightening around Harry's body.

"No, that suit is the monster. Trust me, I have been in there. I know how it makes you feel. But I believe in you. I believe that you still want to help my father. Remember Peter, remember your family," Harry pleaded with Peter. Peter glanced back at the unconscious Goblin.

"Ughh, no!" Venom screamed in defiance as it engulfed Peter's face with its mass. "That monster cannot be saved. You and I are family. You and I are one." With those words, the black claw of Venom decapitated the Goblin, ending his life.

Peter was left shocked and in disbelief. He couldn't comprehend how he had become so powerless in that moment. His mind grappled with the overwhelming situation before him. Meanwhile, the symbiote within him began to console and reassure him, assuring Peter that it was not his fault. Gradually, Peter started to accept the symbiote's words, finding solace in its presence. Eventually, he lost consciousness.

Five and a half hours later, Peter regained consciousness in an alleyway, finding himself still bonded with the symbiote.

"What happened? Where are we?" Peter asked, feeling a mixture of worry and confusion.

"We are in a safe place. Don't worry about our friends; they are fine," the symbiote reassured, reshaping itself around Peter's body. "Now, focus on us. Focus on the power coursing through our body. Embrace us."

Peter slowly began to embrace the symbiote, opening his mind to the entity that had fused with him. It flowed through his pores, merging with his organs and muscles, coating them in an eternal black.

"We are one. We are family. We are Venom!" the duo, now permanently bonded, screamed triumphantly into the sky.

 We are Venom!" the duo, now permanently bonded, screamed triumphantly into the sky

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~To be Continued~



+ Next Episode: Anti Venoms AU

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