One Shot?: Gamma Venom

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+ After possessing the agents of smash and gaining power and Gamma, Venom decides to use its new power and abilities to succesfully posses spiderman & keep him to itself forever.


In a stunning twist of scientific brilliance, Doctor Octopus found himself at the pinnacle of his experiments yet again. This time, his tinkering had led him to create a symbiote like no other – one that could not only merge with its host but also harness the mighty power of Gamma energy. The origins of this symbiote were as intriguing as they were unprecedented; it was born from the amalgamation of Spider-Man's blood and the pulsating Gamma essence coursing through the veins of the Hulk.

As the symbiote took shape, it carried within it an almost sentient yearning, a deep desire to absorb and control Gamma energy, drawn by an unexplainable connection to its source. Little did anyone know, this symbiote harbored an intricate memory, a memory of being separated from something essential – its true love, an integral part of its very creation.

Curiously, Hulk was not considered a viable host for this symbiote, for the Gamma energy within his veins had been partitioned, detached from the symbiotic equation. Instead, it was the Gamma essence still lingering within Spider-Man that resonated with the symbiote, like a magnetic pull between two souls meant to be united. (Happens in the events where spiderman turns into spider hulk. Spider Monster is also part of this.)

With his ingenious creation in hand, Doctor Octopus carefully sealed the symbiote within a high-tech flask nestled securely within one of his formidable octo-bots. A sinister grin crossed his face as he sent this vessel of impending doom hurtling through the city's shadows, a silent harbinger of chaos.

Guided by Octopus's malevolent genius, the octo-bot slinked through the night, its mission clear: to find its way to Spider-Man and bond the symbiote with a potent source of Gamma energy. The symbiote's tendrils eagerly twitched within the flask, sensing the gamma-laden aura that would fuel its insatiable hunger for power.

As the octo-bot approached its unsuspecting target, a shiver of foreboding swept over Spider-Man. His spider-sense tingled, a warning of impending danger. With a web-swing and a leap, he evaded the octo-bot's initial strike, but before he could react, the flask shattered and the symbiote was unleashed.

With a sudden surge of speed and purpose, the symbiote burst forth from its containment, its tendrils extending like eager serpents seeking their prey. Spider-Man's senses tingled as he leapt aside, narrowly avoiding the initial strike. But he wasn't prepared for what came next.

The symbiote's dark tendrils, like inky shadows, latched onto Spider-Man's form with a chilling grip. He could feel its insatiable hunger, its driving need for Gamma energy, a primal force that seemed to resonate within the very core of his being. As Spider-Man struggled against the creeping grip, he realized that he was merely the first target of its insidious intentions.

The gamma-enhanced heroes of the city – the Hulk, the Red Hulk, and She-Hulk – soon found themselves under the symbiote's malevolent influence. One by one, the symbiote's tendrils snaked around them, not to form a symbiotic bond, but to consume. It was as if the symbiote was drawn to the gamma essence within them like a moth to a flame.

As the gamma heroes were enveloped by the symbiote's inky shroud, a dark transformation began to take place. The symbiote didn't merge with them in the traditional sense. Instead, it seemed to devour them, engulfing them in its dark embrace. The heroes' struggles were in vain as the symbiote slowly siphoned away their gamma energy, a process that was agonizingly slow yet inexorable.

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