US - Spider vs. Venom & Goblin

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Spider-Man engaged in a battle against Venom and Norman Osborn, who had transformed into the Goblin. The confrontation eventually led them to a wide hallway that sloped downward and rapidly flooded with water. Nick Fury joined the fight, shooting at both the Goblin and Venom. Overwhelmed, Venom retaliated by striking Fury with one of its tendrils. Intent on killing Fury, Venom prepared to attack with its sharpened claws, but Spider-Man intervened and prevented it from doing so.

Spider-Man successfully persuaded Harry to separate himself from the symbiote and return to his original state. Harry regained control over his actions and made an effort to reject the symbiote, which desperately attempted to keep hold of him. With a display of strong determination, Harry used a wire to electrocute himself, forcing the symbiote to detach from him in order to avoid the electric shock. Seizing the opportunity, the symbiote swiftly shifted its attention towards Peter, moving rapidly in his direction.

Exploiting Peter's weakened condition, the symbiote leapt onto him and engulfed him entirely, effectively consuming him. The Goblin observed this transformation as the symbiote transformed Peter into Venom. A sinister smile crept across the Goblin's face, satisfied that he had successfully turned Spider-Man into a villain, finally achieving his goal of eliminating him.

Nevertheless, the symbiote's inherent animosity inherited from Harry towards his own father merged with Peter's personal resentment, causing it to rebel against its creator. The symbiote unleashed a furious assault on the Goblin, striking him with tremendous force and propelling him through multiple titanium walls.

After successfully eliminating the Goblin, the symbiote carefully escorted both Harry and Fury to safety within an escape pod. Following that, it forcefully demolished the adjacent wall and swiftly submerged into the water, with Peter still enveloped within its formidable mass. Together, they embarked on a hasty retreat, leaving the area behind.

Shortly thereafter, the helicarrier erupted into a devastating explosion, leading all the heroes to believe that Spider-Man had perished. Meanwhile, the symbiote and Peter arrived at a shoreline during the afternoon, near a fish hangar.

Taking advantage of Peter's vulnerable condition, the symbiote seized the opportunity to fully bond with him. It forcefully tore apart his suit, replacing it as his new skin. Patiently, it waited for him to open his mouth, and as soon as he did, the symbiote extended its tendrils and entered his oral cavity. It merged with his internal organs, engulfing them in an eternal blackness. After successfully making peter basically it, it waited for him to wake up.

Peter regained consciousness in a dazed state, his memory of the previous events completely erased. As he attempted to gather himself, he noticed the presence of black, vein-like claws protruding from his hands. Additionally, he observed that he appeared to be wearing a Venom-like maw, but it seemed as though he was viewing the world through augmented glasses, providing a unique perspective.

As Peter became more aware of his transformed state, his tongue, now pinkish, extended out of his mouth. He could feel the slimy texture of his blackened skin and the distinct scent of delectable fish in the surrounding air. Realizing he was likely in a fish port, Peter mustered the courage to rise to his feet. However, he soon realized that he had grown significantly taller than before. Determined to seek answers, he made his way towards the fish factory. However, upon entering, he was met with terrified screams from the fishmen, who were horrified by his appearance.

As the fishermen raised their harpoons and attacked, Peter found himself at the mercy of their assault. Sensing the imminent danger, the symbiote swiftly took control, driven by its instinct to protect. It unleashed a savage frenzy, mercilessly slaughtering all the fishermen. When Peter regained control of his own consciousness, he was confronted with the gruesome aftermath of the carnage he had unintentionally caused. Overwhelmed by horror and despair, he let out a scream of terror as the symbiote fully enveloped his shocked and traumatized mind.

 Overwhelmed by horror and despair, he let out a scream of terror as the symbiote fully enveloped his shocked and traumatized mind

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+ Last one shot since no one is posting ideas, thanks for reading.

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