Chapter 3 - Changes

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The sky was black in the busy streets of New York, and a dark humanoid was visible swinging through the streets. The symbiote had completed its goal & was now heading back home after devouring a criminal. 

The symbiote felt whole and better than normal, stronger and faster. Its other hosts did not provide the symbiote with the comfort and wholeness it had gained when bonded to peter.

The symbiote had obtained all of its host memories and powers when Peter accepted it. Feeling his anguish, rage, and, most importantly, worry for everyone he cared about.

The symbiote envied its host's feelings for all of those people, but determined that it needed to advance cautiously in order to acquire its host's full acceptance. 

They were whole in body, mind, and soul, but the symbiote wanted him to be completely reliant on him. Even though it relished and savored the feelings that swamped Peter, the symbiote desired that he not be in a haze. It desired for him to be entirely one with him, their thoughts linked, thinking as one, feeling as one, and fighting as one.

With the first criminal it had devoured, the symbiote had sensed Peter's rage. The criminal was going to murder an elderly man when they grabbed him by the neck. Peter's rage awoke him from his trance, his consciousness merging with the symbiote; both of them felt the same way, and the insatiable hunger overwhelmed them both. When its beloved host began to fuse with him, the symbiote felt an enormous amount of pleasure, which only intensified when they gobbled the criminal's head. The symbiote did not force Peter to do it; rather, he eagerly accepted the power and hunger as his own.

The symbiote has gradually corrupted Peter's psyche in order to experience this sensation again and again for eternity. It knew this was risky because his buddies would want to "rescue him" if they were discovered. It would not allow this, instead choosing to modify his mind in his dreams while keeping him submissive in public.  This would further connect their bond, & make their minds completely one, melding their thoughts & desires into one, not being a background voice but peter himself.

~Queens, Peter's House~

When the symbiote arrived at their house, he planned to disguise himself in the same way Peter had done during the party.

Peter awoke from his trance to find himself back at home.

The weather was cold but felt none of it. Given that this was the symbiote disguised as clothing, his clothes felt warm and cozy.

Peter was glad, since his aunt would have a heart attack if she saw him in his black form. Not wanting to spend any more time, Peter rang the doorbell.

After a few moments, the door was opened, and Aunt may emerged.She was surprised to see Peter again, and tears welled up in her eyes as she raced out to hug him.

Peter felt the warmth of his aunt once more, pleased to be back with her. The symbiote, on the other hand, was envious and decided to tighten its grasp on his clothes and hug him. Aunt may did not notice it because she was overjoyed.

Peter felt his trouser tighten, but he ignored it and continued holding his aunt.

"What have you been doing?"  she asked more worried than angry, "I've been worried sick since you disappeared"

" I'm sorry, Aunt May, I... " Peter didn't know how to explain it, but she might accept it now that she's seen the news. She assumed he was traumatized as a result of being kidnapped by a monster and concluded that now was not the time.

She invited him in and made him dinner, as well as chocolate chip cookies.

The smell of the cookies captivated the symbiote's appetite, and he rapidly consumed a dozen of them. Aunt may have seen nothing wrong with this because she had made them for him when he returned.

Peter decided to sleep and gave his aunt another hug and kiss before departing for his bed. He went to the bathroom to take a shower and willed the symbiote to enter him. The symbiote returned to its host, as per his orders.

As the symbiote made its presence known, Peter noticed his increasingly massive body, his veins pulsating with blackness.

His hair had darkened and grown a little longer. His enormous muscles were covered in black veins and tattoos that gradually formed to symbolize their bond. His eyes were completely black, and his irises were covered in black veins.

He looked like a full-fledged emo, minus the jewelry. He could feel power coursing through his veins as they pulsated, his eyesight had improved, and his mind was clear and serene.He went in and turned on the faucet. The hot water flowed over him, cleaning him of his worries and further soothing him. Because the symbiote sensed his host's exhaustion, it chose to sprout tentacles and gently stroke his body with soap. He almost fell asleep from the pleasant sensation, but he remained awake. He willed the symbiote into some comfy pajamas and went to sleep after finishing his shower. The symbiote waited until he was deep asleep before entering his ears and influencing his dreams, forcing him to sleep even deeper.

As their connection became stronger, both of them felt an intense pleasure, causing the symbiote to form a cocoon and tighten.

The amount of adrenaline produced by the pleasurable feelings was enormous, feeding the symbiote.

As it ate, it wondered what would happen if his host slept while fighting crime at night.

Their power would not only grow, but it would also strengthen their bond. The symbiote finished its connection and fell asleep, having decided that this would be its new routine.


Nick Fury was in the living room with the squad on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. He had learned about Peter's disappearance and was concerned that he would not be located. He chastised the squad for their behavior and assigned them the task of searching for their missing teammate.

Ava was the most concerned of them all; she had formed feelings for the teen ever since he rescued and assisted her with her predicament.

She was dead set on finding the monster and separating it from her beloved. She got out of the carrier and went home for the night.

Because Harry and MJ were concerned about the recent happenings, they decided to pay a visit to Peter's aunt in the morning.

~The End~


Sorry for not uploading every two day, I have school work & was behind on assignments. Hope you enjoy this episode & feel free to criticize the story. I will upload more once done with school work. I also wanted to notify you of my development of a new story based on you, y/n, being the replacement for Eddie Brock in the comics. This story will come of with a twist, all of spider-mans girlfriends with have their own symbioses & will be yandere. 

Notify me if you like the idea, & thank you for the support.

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