🔔Notice: Help Shape the Future of Our Story!🔔

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Notice: Help Shape the Future of Our Story!

We invite you to actively participate in the creation of the upcoming chapters of our thrilling story. Your input will have a significant impact on the direction our characters take and the events that unfold. We value your creative ideas and want to ensure your voices are heard.

Please comment down below and let us know what you believe the chapters to follow should include. We encourage you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and plot twists that you'd like to see explored. Remember, the power is in your hands to shape the story!

To be considered for implementation, comments must receive a minimum of 5 votes from fellow readers. If a comment receives at least 5 votes, it will be taken into serious consideration by our team. Your engagement and support are vital in determining the future of our story.

However, we must also provide a warning. If no comments receive the required number of votes, episode 10 will serve as the final chapter, concluding the story. We hope it doesn't come to that, but the decision ultimately lies with our readers.

In addition to your comments, we'd like to gauge your preference for the story's ending. Please take a moment to let us know which type of ending you'd prefer:

Good Ending: An uplifting and satisfying conclusion where loose ends are tied up and characters find resolution.

↳ Spiderman successfully rids himself of the symbiote & eradicates its threat to humanity.

Neutral Ending: A balanced ending that leaves room for interpretation and allows readers to reflect on the story's themes.

↳ Spiderman is successfully separated from the symbiote by SHIELD, the symbiote then bonds to harry and uses him to try to bond with parker once more, In the end peter gives himself in in order to save his friend → Ultimately leads to bad ending

Bad Ending: A darker and unexpected conclusion that challenges conventional storytelling and leaves readers with a sense of unease.

↳ Chapter 10 bad ending

Your feedback matters greatly to us, so please share your thoughts in the comments section below. We eagerly await your input and look forward to crafting the remaining chapters together with you.

Thank you for being part of this creative journey!

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