🛎️ Copyright and Fanfic Notice 🛎️

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Copyright Rules:

Copyright rules are in place to protect the original creators of content from unauthorized use or reproduction. It is important to respect and abide by these rules when creating or sharing any form of media.

- Any picture, video, or script used in this fanfic belongs to their original owners.

- If the original creator does not approve of the way I posted any media, please comment below what changes should be made.

- The warning {⚠️ Copyright: Belongs to Original Creators} will be pasted at the beginning of every episode of this fanfic.

Fanfiction, Idea Comments, and Votes Rules:

When sharing fanfiction or commenting on ideas, it is important to keep in mind that original creators hold the rights to their work.

- I kindly ask for 5 to 10 votes for a new episode. These votes help me know you guys are engaged in these fanfics.

- If you have any ideas, please post them in the comments below with the following format: {✏️ IDEA} - <your Idea>.

- The idea that receives more comments will be selected and implemented in the next episode of this fanfic. The same rules apply to the others. I will respond to your comments with a {👍 - Episode #} - as a confirmation.

- Comments should be respectful to others and me, the creator.

- Any inappropriate memes should be shared through my discord as 50% of my readers are young adults (aged 13 to 18). Please be mindful and careful with what you post.

- Please note that if you're interested in creating a video related to the fanfic, kindly ask for permission in the comment section below. For granting permission, you must provide a reason for posting the fanfic, an explanation of why you want to post it, and of course, make sure to give credit to the original work's owners and myself.

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