Chapter 6: A shot in the dark

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"Alright so what do we got?" Steve questions while chewing on the banana in his mouth, pacing to and fro of the living room table, looking at Robin sitting on the couch while Johnathan and Argyle are looking at the papers scattered about on the floor.

"Just the same shit, that he is supposedly mentally insane even though he didn't even kill his family." Robin says while going through papers.

"Basically the same things we have already known...or you all have already known." Argyle says while looking at a paper, his eyes blank while he looks at it.

"Diagnosis, statistics, him saying he killed his family." Johnathan says while going through papers. "The same shit we already know."

A silence fills the room, all of them just leaning back while rubbing their face in stress.

"So we did that super secret mission for nothing?" Argyle questions.

"No, there has to be something, anything!" Steve says while picking up some papers and beginning to go through them.

"Dude we've been at this all night, we would have saw something." Robin mentions.

"Or we need more eyes." Steve points out. "We need Nants, she is always good at observing things."

"Well she's not here so we have to figure out what it is ourselves. If anything is even here." Johnathan states irritably, going to pick up more papers and beginning to go through them. Steve looks at Robin, her just shrugging her shoulders while putting her hands up lightly.

The door bell ringing can be heard on the door, Robin getting up and stretching out. "I'll get it, it must be the pizza." She mentions. She makes her way to open the door and her eyes widen.

"Oh! Robin hi!" Vicki smiles at her, waving her hand while holding two boxes of pizza.

"Oh! Oh hi..hi umm Vicki." Robin stammers out nervously while her hand grips the door. "I didn't know you worked at Wallace pizza."

"Oh well you know, just started. Since my previous job was destroyed by the earthquake." Vicki says.
Robin slowly nods her head, just looking at Vicki with a smile.

"Do you...want your pizza?"

"Oh yes yes!" Robin says while taking the pizza.

"Oh and...I need the cash." Vicki smiles.

"Right...sorry." Robin says, handing Vicki a twenty dollar bill. She swallows hard when she feels Vicki's hand brush up against hers.

"Thanks." Vicki says, putting the money in her pocket before looking back up at Robin. "I never really see you at the school anymore, you know with disaster relief assistance."

"Oh I umm...yeah I've been...insanely busy with things." Robin tries to say, feeling her nervousness grow even more.

"With what?" Vicki questions.

"Oh umm..." Robin tries to think.

Steve rounds the corner, making his way behind Robin. "Hey Vicki."
Robin can almost see Vicki's face drop a little when she sees Steve. "Oh hi Steve, how are you?"

"I'm good what about you?"

"Great." Vicki mentions with a smile. "Well I should get work. It was nice seeing you."

"Nice seeing you too." Robin says, watching Vicki walk away to the delivery car.

Steve closes the door and locks it, turning his gaze over to Robin. "You alright?"

Robin nods her head while still looking ahead of her at the door. "Yeah, yeah I'm good."

Steve nods his head. "Well let's get back to digging."

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