Chapter 27: Be Out With It!

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"I would like to have you all read over chapters thirteen and fourteen of the Great Gatsby and I want the essays done by the end of this week! This counts towards a major grade!" The teacher mentions.

As soon as the bell rings Lucas makes his way out of the classroom, him pushing pass the crowd and making his way to the exit doors.

"Lucas! Lucas!" Dustin yells, him and Mike and Eleven making their way over to him when they get outside. "Where you headed?"

"To Max." Lucas replies.

"Yeah same here we want to see her, no need to walk though my mother will be here in a minute." Mike mentions while looking at all of the cars that pull into the school.

"Yeah I don't know if I want to be bombarded with questions by your mother." Lucas states while putting his backpack more on his shoulder.

"Don't worry you can just say you're fine like you always have been." Mike says, sending Lucas a sarcastic smile.

"Mike." Eleven lightly scolds.

"Dude." Dustin says.

Mike only just rolls his eyes in reply, turning to look at Lucas. "She won't ask any questions, just ride with us. Only a five minute ride man."

Lucas just looks behind him at the many cars pulling in. It use to be where Lucas would get mad at Mike for his sarcastic replies but now he can't find it in himself too. Truth be told if they were acting as crazy as Lucas was he would probably be doing them the same way so he really doesn't blame Mike for it. He knows that they all are growing irritated at his behavior and Mike is just showing it more than the others. "Alright, alright fine."

They all nod, seeing Karen park in front of them. They all get in the car, Eleven getting in the passenger side while the rest of them get in the back.
"Hey guys! How was school today?" Karen questions with a smile, looking through the mirror to see Dustin Lucas and Mike.


"It was good."


"Eleven how are you liking arts and crafts?" Karen

"Love it, I like making new things." Eleven smiles.

"Getting warmed up at the school? No one messing with you right?"

"No Ma'am." Eleven answers.

"Good that's good." Karen smiles before going to look at Mike through the mirror. "Mike how is Math going?"

Mike only sighs a annoyed breath. "C minus going on C plus, I'm working on it."

"Good I don't want you failing any classes."

"Yes mom." Mike answers.

"And I know Dustin is doing absolutely amazing in classes! How is the Science fair coming along?" Karen questions.

"We are almost done setting everything up!" Dustin
mentions excitedly. "Oh you all have to be there!"

"I'm totally there!" Karen says.

"Same here."

"Yep I'll be there."

"Awesome! Lucas what about you?" Dustin looks over at Lucas, seeing him just look out of the window. "Lucas?"

"Yeah." Lucas answers, going to turn to Dustin.

"What about you are you gonna be there?"

"Be where?" Lucas questions.

Dustin's smile drops a little, him and Mike sharing a glance. "We were just talking about it, the science fair I have been working on since we started school." Dustin answers. "It's going to be done in a weeks time I'm pretty sure, I wanted you all to come to see the results."

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