Dear Robin

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Robin goes to sit in the dinning room, pulling out a chair and going to sit down. She holds the envelope in her hands, seeing her name written on it. She has never had a letter written to her before, she just wishes it was under better terms. She can't lie, she feels special that she got a letter. She didn't know Max for long but she did something right as to why she got a letter. She goes to open the envelope, taking out the paper and putting it in front of her.

Dear Robin...

If you're reading this, it means that things didn't work out and I'm now dead. And with that I wanted to make sure that everything that needed to be said is said. I wanted to say thank you for being here with us through this whole situation. You could have left when you first heard that El had powers and all of our craziness at Starcourt but you still decided to stay. I know it wasn't easy, accepting that these things were actually true in our world.

I mean I thought Lucas was lying to me when he told me everything, I just thought was one crazy story he was making up. It took a demodog roaring at me in a bus to make me actually believe. It's crazy, how your life can turn upside down in such a snap of a finger.

Anyways I'm not writing to say the past, I am writing to say thank you and the things I have always appreciated from you. You are funny, annoying sometimes but funny. You bring a certain type of light into the room, sometimes you ramble things that doesn't make sense or when you get nervous but it lightens up a bad situation when you do even though it is not said.

Also, thank you for saving me. Nancy told me that you actually thought of the music..that music has a way of getting into the mind that people can't. That observation you heard saved my very life that day in the graveyard. If it wasn't for you...well I would be a pile of broken bones...well...I'm probably already like that but the point is that you saved my life, your observance saved my life.

You also are always there for Steve, you were there for him and Nancy even though you don't know her as well.

You made me roll my eyes sometimes, I remember you always telling me of 'rekindled love'. Now I wished I listened, I wished that I listened to your advice because maybe this feeling in my stomach that I have right now writing this would go away. it is too late and that is okay, it will only make things more harder.

You are smart, I could never fit four different languages into my mind, I could never crack a secret Russian code in just a day. I wish that we had more time to truly get to know one another, all of our interactions was just between plans to kill the Mind Flayer and Vecna, seems like I always meet someone new in detrimental situations.

Thank you for always being here, thank you for all that you do for this crew and you bring so much to the table. I want you to thrive, to be able to move on from this situation. I don't know what you want to be in life, but whatever you want to be pursue it full fledge and don't let anyone get in your way, all of you deserve happiness and to finally be okay.

Thank you and I appreciate you, I hope you strive and flourish and have a great life. Goodbye Robin.
Oh and by the way, go on and get a license. You are already out of school and have no license.

Love, Max

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