Chapter 18: You have to fight

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The doors to the hospital room slams open, Sue Charles and Erica hovering over the hospital bed while Doctors hover around it as well, one of the doctors on top of Lucas while performing CPR on his chest.

"Apply pressure on the wound." The doctors mentions towards the other doctor.

"Please! Please save my baby!" Sue cries. "Please don't let him die!" Erica cries. "Please! Save my son!" Charles cries as well.

"E...Erica." Lucas tries, him choking on blood.

"Lucas! Lucas I'm here!" Erica cries.


The doctors go to open the door to the surgery room, leading the bed into the room. The Doctor stops Sue Charles and Erica from going any further. "You all will have to stay here."

"Erica!" Lucas cries out.

"Lucas!" Erica yells, trying to go pass the Doctor but the doctors prevents her from doing so. "Let me go! Let me go!" Erica yells as she cries.

"We want to save your brother! We want to save your son! But in order for us to do that you all have to stay here." The doctor directs.

Erica looks at Lucas, seeing him laying on the bed while the doctors begin to take out many tools and medical supplies, going to put the oxygen pumper over Lucas face.

"Don't let my son die." Charles says.

"We'll do everything we can." The doctors says before making her way into the doctors room.

"Vitals low! We have to bring him into surgery now!" The Doctor mentions while they all hover around Steve.

"Steve! Please stay with me!" Nancy cries, her Johnathan and Robin and Hopper hovering over the bed while Steve lays limp.

"You all have to stay here!" The Doctor mentions.

Dustin slams through the door, him running full fledge towards them. "Steve?! Where is he?!" Dustin questions, Mike following closely behind them. Kali and Joyce holding up Eleven as they lead her inside of the hospital, Murray along with them and Claudia.
Johnathan breaths heavy while blood is all around his hands, then all watching as they lead Steve into the surgery room, them putting a oxygen pumper on his face.

"Keep applying pressure, attempting to take out branch." One of the doctors says, one of them holding firm pressure against the wound. "Keep him held down." The Doctor mentions, going to grab the middle of the branch and slowly beginning to pull it out of Lucas stomach. Lucas body begins to shake, the beeps growing higher and higher. ""He's spiraling!"

Sue Charles and Erica look with wide eyes, a hand over their mouth while they witness the scene.

The branch is taken out of Lucas stomach, the doctor quickly going to apply pressure to the wound. "Keep him steady!"

"He's going into arrest! We need to keep him steady!" The Doctor exclaims, them holding firm pressure to Steve's wound.

"GOD DAMMIT!" Dustin yells out, going to punch the wall while he cries.

"He's going to pull through..." Hopper says while going back to look in the room. "...he's going to pull through."

"He's going into too much arrest! He is loosing too much blood!" The Doctor mentions, still holding Lucas wound tightly.

"We need to go into surgery now! He won't stand a chance if-"

"He won't stand a chance if he keeps bleeding like this." The Doctor interrupts.

Lucas stops shaking, him going to slump down on the bed while the beeper goes blank on the monitor.

"NOOO!" Erica screams out.

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