Chapter 21: Sweet Revenge

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"How long is the drive?" Joshua questions, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and blowing the smoke out of his mouth.

"About six hours, let's just stay out here and leave like at...I don't know ten." Andy says back, going to throw his cigarette on the ground.

"Alright." Joshua says.

"Alright I'm going to bed." Andy says, going to leave the side of the hotel building and go into the room upstairs on the patio.

Joshua continues to smoke on his cigarette, humming to himself while doing so. He turns his back from the street, going to take out his lighter from his pocket to light the cigarette again. He is interrupted and drops the lighter when he is pushed against the wall, his back biting the brick wall hard. Joshua's eyes widen when he catches sight of who stands right in front of him.


Lucas nods his head simply. "Why the sudden rush far from home?" Lucas questions, his hands going in his pockets while he raises a brow.

Joshua feels his heart beginning to beat faster and faster, his eyes wide in fear. "Just...a road trip."

Lucas hums while nodding his head. "Sounds nice."

"Yeah really nice." Joshua agrees while nodding his head.

"Do you mind?" Lucas asks, motioning towards the cigarette in Joshua's mouth.

Joshua looks between Lucas and the cigarette, going to hesitantly take it out of his mouth and slowly hand it to Lucas. "I...didn't know you smoked."

Lucas takes the cigarette, looking at it for a second before looking back at Joshua. "I don't."

Joshua grunts loudly when Lucas grabs Joshua's hair, roughly pulling his head back. Joshua screams out loudly when Lucas puts the butt of the cigarette right in Joshua's eye, Lucas covering his mouth while he does so to muffle his screams. Lucas let's go of Joshua roughly, letting him slide down on the ground while crying and holding his eye.

Lucas roughly pulls him back up, going to kick Joshua right in the stomach making him grunt loudly. Lucas lands a punch to Joshua's face, making him spit out blood. "You're lucky I won't kill you right now!" Lucas grits out.

"I'm sorry! Okay I'm sorry for the letter okay I'm sorry for it all I was wrong! Please...please don't hurt me!" Joshua begs while still holding his eye.

"You're a little bitch you know that?" Lucas grits out while landing another punch to Joshua, making him topple over on the ground. Lucas goes to roughly grab him, going to lead him up to the room he saw Andy go in upstairs. "Knock."

Joshua lets his hand knock on the door, him barely being able to stand up.

"It's unlocked Joshua." Andy mentions.

Both Chance and Andy's eyes widen when they see the door open and Lucas throw Joshua into the room, Joshua hitting the ground on his stomach. Lucas goes to close the door, locking it behind him.

"Surprise." Lucas greets.

Chance is first to make his way up to him, trying to land a punch to Lucas but Lucas quickly ducks and lands a hard punch to Chance's cheek, making his head hit the table hard and him hit the floor. Lucas runs towards Andy, going to punch him and pin him against the wall, both of his hands wrapping around Andy's throat hard, Andy being seen choking out.

"For my sister." Lucas grits out hard, Lucas letting his hands grip around his throat tighter, waiting until his face becomes pale before slamming his head against the table on side of him, making him fall to the floor passed out.

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