Chapter 22: A Plan?

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"Try it." Robin drags out, looking at Nancy in the drivers side while she holds her Tomalley, about to put it in her mouth. "Try it." Robin drags out again, her eyes opened wide while she holds a Tomalley in her hand as well.

Nancy laughs while looking at Robin. "I'm going to try it."

"Then try it!"

Nancy rolls her eyes, going to take a bite out of the
Tomalley. Her eyes widen while she chews, looking down at the Tomalley. "Oh my god!"

"Exactly!" Robin exclaims, going to take a bite out of her Tomalley. "It is like heaven in your mouth. It's almost like..."

"It dissolves in your mouth." Nancy answers.

"Exactly! Because of how soft it is." Robin replies.
"I can't believe you had me truck twenty five miles for Tomalley's." Nancy smiles.

"But are you regretting it?" Robin questions with a smile. Nancy looks over at Robin.

"No, no I'm not." She smiles.

They both eat while Robin goes on about her childhood stories, on how it took her six months longer to walk and examples on how her parents tried to make her walk but failing miserably and other times where she has just been completely clumsy. "Wait wait wait!" Nancy laughs, taking a quick sip of her drink. "You what?"

"Well I really really wanted his candy bar and when I asked he said no! So I did what any other normal kid would do...I took it and ran!" Robin laughs.

"That is not normal!" Nancy laughs.

"It is for me!" Robin responds making Nancy laugh harder. "And so then I ran up the playground and tried to go on the slide but boom..." Robin starts while clapping her hands loudly once. "...I tripped on my foot and landed face first on the slide! And not only that! My face was going down the slide around with the rest of my body!" Robin explains, Nancy holding her stomach while laughing. "I'm talking lip to lip contact Nants, my whole face was red like a tomato! But my mission was accomplished, because I still ate the candy bar that night."

Nancy laughs while leaning back in her seat, both of them coming down after a few minutes of hard laughter. Nancy looks over at Robin, seeing her eating her Tomalley. "Thank you."

"For what?" Robin questions.

"For making me feel better." Nancy replies.

Robin looks at Nancy with a smile. "You're going to be okay Nants, I just know you are. You are quite literally the strongest badass I know." Robin says making Nancy chuckle. "And one day some man is going to just swoop you up, love you forever, and you'll eventually know who that is." Robin smiles, turning to look ahead of her.

Nancy smiles wider, looking at Robin who has a smirk on her face. "What's that suppose to mean?"

Robin only just shrugs her shoulders while she smiles, making Nancy shake her head while smiling.

Nancy looks at her watch after a minute, seeing it getting late. "Oh I should be heading back, I don't want my mom to get worried." Nancy mentions.

"Alright." Robin replies.

Nancy starts up the car, looking ahead of her for a minute before turning to Robin. "Do you want to...stay over?" Nancy questions. "Honestly between us I haven't been sleeping well."

Robin nods her head while she smiles. "Of course Nants." She replies. "I actually start my new job tomorrow afternoon at the theater so could you drop me off?"

"Yeah of course. Thank you Robin." Nancy mentions, beginning to drive.

"Anytime Nants, anytime."


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