Chapter 30: Dear Family

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A few days later....


Lucas goes to sit down at the desk in the living room, him scooting up in the chair and letting his hand feel against the soft smooth polished desk that Hopper bought for the house. Lucas goes to open the drawer, him taking out a pen and some paper and putting it in front of him. He has already thought of the words, and the knows other words and sayings will come to him as he writes, that is the way Max explained it. Lucas opens the top to the pen, him beginning to write.

Dear Family...

I know what you all are thinking, a letter? Lucas is writing a letter? Trust me I'm just as shocked as you all are but I need to make sure I say all that I need to say to each and every one of you. I can't even remember the last time I wrote a letter, I don't think I have ever wrote a letter ever before, only just essays...which reminds me I really need to write that Great Gatsby essay in our English class before I fail that class more than I already am. I will get to that, but for now this is more important.

I need you all to realize something, each and every one of you are special, each and every one of you hold a special place in my heart, each and everyone of you are special in all of your ways, each and everyone of you are beautiful, talented in all of your different ways, and it amazes me of what all of you can do.

Joyce goes to give the customer her bags, her smiling while waving at the customer as they make their way out of the door, Joyce smiling while leaning on the counter.

Joyce, the mother of it all, the one that always brings smiles all around when you smile. You are radiant, you are passionate and you are kind. You keep it together for everyone, but you battle your own demons as well. I see how much you always help everyone, how you are always there even if the person doesn't want you to be. Your kindness radiates off people, you have changed people for the better, me being included in that. But there is one set example I can think of....

Hopper slides into the door, him doing a dramatic bow while he takes his hat off, him pointing at Joyce while Joyce points at him, both of them laughing in reply.

Now we all thought Hopper was just the mean grinch of the chief of Hawkins, no one has ever seen him smile the way he does now when he is with you. You've changed him and I don't think you know how much. He is happier, I know he is, that is what love can do to you. Hopper, you are a brave man, a man who won't stop at anything to protect the people that you love and will be first to put yourself in risk. You feel that obligation to go in head first diving into the pit instead of everyone else, you are a strong leader and a good car giver.

Steve makes his way into the station. "Here to hear the status of my application." Steve mentions, his hands in his pockets.

"You?" Powell and Callahan both question, him glancing at each other.

Steve, not a lot of people put faith in you, a lot of people only take you for granted. We too did that when we barely knew you, only viewing you as the jock of Hawkins High. You have proved us wrong with all that you have done for us, all that you have done for me. You will grow to be the person everyone looks up to, Me, Mike, El, Max, and especially Dustin already do. Don't sell yourself short because of what other people say. Your caring and protective personality and actions will take you places, and it will guide you on the right path, you just have to keep fighting for it, no matter the responses.

"Nancy Wheeler!" The man exclaims when he sees her make her way through the door of Hawkins Post. "Are you coming to take up the offer of the Manager of the newspaper?"

"Actually I was looking at the position here." Nancy says while handing him the paper.

The guy looks at Nancy in confusion. "This is the lowest position here."

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