Dear Johnathan

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Chapter 12 will be the letters that Max wrote.


Johnathan goes to close the door behind him, going to sit down on the edge of the bed. He rocks his knee, feeling a pit it seems like in his stomach. He holds the letter in his hand, the dark yellow almost dark tan envelope with his name on it. He takes a deep breath, gently opening up the envelope and taking out the paper.

Dear Johnathan....

If you're reading this then it means things didn't work out, it means that I died. It's crazy how life can just come and throw you something and you realize that it is so much that you wish you could have said but never did, and I'm sorry that I never did.
Of course, we didn't say as much to each other and really we didn't need to, we were always there for each other it seems like in the end. I admire all of you, I admire you Johnathan. I admire how you never left your moms side when Will disappeared, I admire how you were even willing to put yourself at risk for him both and your mother, and also for Nancy as well.

It seems like you both were the first to actually get to know things, Nancy told me all about it. She also told me how much of a bad wrap you always had, always being called the 'freak's brother' but you didn't let that deter you from loving him or just trying to fit in. I feel and me have a lot in common. Our worries are not about fitting in and we prefer to be alone unless it is with the people we truly love. We don't seek the popularity, we are the weirdos that never talk or have a angry grimace on their face, and when someone does try and talk to us we just look at them like they lost their minds.

You've grown, all of you have. You don't stop at anything to protect your brother and make sure your mother is okay, you became the man of he house it seems like when your father left. I am sorry for that by the seems like we have that in common as well. I never really knew why my father left, he just did...ever since then I've always made sure that my mother was okay...especially after Billy. You are to be commended Johnathan, for your strong loyalty and love towards your family, you don't see a lot of young men doing that these days.

By the way, I can also kind of tell that Nancy is a little down since you come to see her along with Mike. Word of advice...don't push her away. Trust'll later regret it. I know you are just doing what your mind tells you to do because you are so heavily guarded after everything you have been through, I am just the same. I just taught myself for anything too much just walk away from it, it is always the best I know that isn't true.
Can't fix it now so the better thing to do is to just move on. I want you to know to never stop being yourself, you are extremely loyal and kindhearted. Quiet, guarded, closed in but loyal and loving. Don't let your emotions get in the way of things and always cherish and love your family.

I know I sound like a hypocrite right now, I telling that to myself as I am writing this, but sometimes emotions are too hard to explain face to face. I am sorry I am not able to say this to you face to face and I'm sorry you have to read it from a letter.
Keep striving, keep thriving along and don't let Vecna win for any of you. I might have been lost but that doesn't mean that the rest of you cannot survive this. I know you guys can, I know you all can do it together. All of you are strong, and you are like a glue that is needed and it seems like not a lot notices. I hope you know that you are loved Johnathan, by your friends and by your family and of course by Nancy. And whatever is going on between you two I hope it can be moved past because now more than ever you all need each other.

I really hope you move on, go on to college and become a professional photographer, you are really good at it by the way, the photos you take just always speak volumes and they always capture so many words. Honestly I think that is what you should go far. People always take pictures of beautiful landscapes, or people, things...but I feel like you lean more closely on pictures that shows meaning, that convey a story and give specific types of emotions that people have to decipher to grasp the true meaning of it. I feel you would be very good at that, and I know that you will succeed when it comes to it.

All in all, I don't want to be the one that is always burdening everyone to pursue their dreams. What's done is done and it cannot be changed so...move on and do great things and also be there for each other, don't let all of you distance yourselves. I want the whole crew to always continue to be together, I want unity among all of you, and I really hope you all will be able to grow closer in this situation, not push each other farther apart.

It was nice to finally see and know people that are actually decent in this world, it is good to see people that will do anything for each other and their siblings, your example taught me there are still good big brothers around, and you are one of them Johnathan. Continue to be great, continue to flourish, and I hope you become the best person you are meant to be. Thank you and goodbye...

Love Max.

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