Dear Steve

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Steve goes in another part of the house, leaning on the wall while he holds the envelope in his hands. He rubs his face a little, trying to control the tears he really doesn't want to let out. It was hard, writing down what was being said through Morse code and figuring out that Max wanted them to go on and read the letters. He goes to open up the envelope, taking out the paper.

Dear Steve...

If you're reading this then it means that things didn't work out in our favor. It is okay though, it is something that all of us were expecting. And YOU out of all people better not cry about it.

I know you don't know this...but out of all of the know besides Lucas you have been someone I have grown really close too. Honestly at first I didn't know why, I realized that I had some strange sense of comfort whenever I was with you and a hole in my heart was beginning to be filled. I know why now as I am writing this, and I know it is because you are a role model to me Steve, you as well as Johnathan let me know that there are young men out there that can be decent brothers, and I have grown closer to you, you have that title in my heart.
You were there for me when we went to the school for me to realize I was one of Vecna's targets, from there you never left my side and I can always tell you were concerned. I always saw you looking at me when you think I didn't notice, when you would always saying no to take me to places only to do it.

You are funny, you and Robin both bring a certain light into a room and bring light to a situation, but when it is time to fight you are always prepared to protect the ones you love. At first you were a douche, trust me Dustin told me all about it but you have changed Steve, I hope you know that. You are a leader Steve, don't let anyone tell you different. You are protective, you are kind and don't let this get to your head but you are also smart when you want to be.

You are a kind hearted man, I feel like you can mix your feelings up sometimes, sometimes you don't really know what you are feeling. We do have that in common, sometimes I don't even know what I am feeling and everything just comes out in a ramble. Trust me when I say to not hide your feelings, because there is going to come a time in life when you live to regret it.

Thank you for filling a void I didn't know that could be filled after Billy. I mean yes he was a jerk but at the end of the day he was my brother and it hurt when I lost him. I'm just glad I was able to be around people that taught me that everyone in this world is not bad because believe me that was my mindset when I moved here. You made me realize that family does not have to be by blood, because I view your as my brother Steve, my big brother.

You are also a damn good babysitter as well, I know you are going to scoff and be annoyed when you read that part, that's why I added it. But quite honestly I think the others always put you with us because we feel comfortable around you, we feel safe around you. We know we can count on you when the times comes and you won't ever disappoint us, all of us have grown to love you as a brother Steve, I hope you know that.

I am sorry that I wasn't able to say this to you face to face, honestly I am wiping tears from my eyes right now because this has been something I have been wanting to say to you for a long time. Right now, but probably in the past for you I could just turn around and tell you, I mean you are sitting right behind me right now...but I can' will hurt too much and it will only make you all hurt more because as soon as I die..or now that I am dead that all washes out of the window.

Thank you for everything Steve, thank you for being there when I was getting targeted by Vecna, thank you for being here just right behind me at this moment in Mike's armpit of a basement. I know you are probably wanting to be with Nancy or Robin right now chasing a way to save me which is probably futile but thank you staying regardless.
I know technically it isn't fair, I mean I am not your responsibility, I am not your child but you are always there, you have always been there. It hurts, it really does hurt to know that this was all my life is, just pain and confinement but I guess it is what it is, this is all life is for me.

I want you to flourish Steve, please don't let my death burden you. I want you to become whatever you want to be. You are more than just a ice cream scooper and working at a movie store, you are more than that. You deserve to be someone where they recognize your talents, where they recognize that you are a selfless caring man that won't stop at anything to protect the ones that he loves, that reminds people that change is definitely possible.

Probably a motivational speaker or something, I have no idea. But whatever you choose to be, make sure it is something where you are recognized for who you TRULY are. Strive, thrive and always be there for the ones you love. Thank you Steve and I'm sorry that this is goodbye.

P.S. You will find a girl that will love you til the end. Maybe that is Nancy maybe it is not, only time will tell.

Love, Max.

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