Chapter 19: The Funeral

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Lucas! I can't see or feel anything...

I don't wanna die I'm not ready!

I don't wanna go I don't wanna go! If I die...Max dies...

No! No no no!

I'm sorry Max! I'm so so so sorry!

Lucas lightly gasps as his eyes opens wide, feeling his skin lightly sweating. He breaths out a little, going to look at Max. She sleeps soundly on her side of the bed, her cast still on her legs and arm while she lays on her back.

Lucas quietly and carefully makes his way out of the bed, taking the covers off of him. He notices how his skin sweats, in a cold sweat it seems like. Lucas goes to rub his eyes while looking at the time, seeing that it is four in the morning.

He quietly goes to the bathroom, going to crack the door while turning the light on. He goes to turn on the water, splashing some water in his face before looking up at the mirror, his hands leaning on the sink.

It has been three months since Max and Lucas finally reunited and it was definitely not been easy. Nightmares still plagued all of them during the nights while they all try and endure and recover from things. Joyce of course was kind enough to bring Max in, her and Hopper buying a house in Hawkins since Hopper's cabin is still destroyed and yet to be rebuild.

The city slowly but surely begins to be rebuild as well. Nancy gets a lot of recognition, her now known as the woman who brought the truth out about their city and town and the woman who delivered them to victory in the war. Since then she has gained much opportunities, much job offers, but she never takes any.

Today technically marks the day of Will's funeral. Since the truth has finally surfaced about their town and the town knows what Will did for the city Powell worked to have the funeral held in Town hall where everyone could attend and all of the funding handled.

Town hall was the first thing people started to worry about rebuilding for the funeral alone, and now after months it is finally done. Max of course told Joyce months ago that Will wanted his body to be cremated and as hard as it was for Joyce she respected Will's decision and got him cremated, his ashes now in a antique looking vase, on top of a shelf above the fireplace of their home.

Lucas goes to open the cabinet over the sink, him taking out the bottle of Tylenol and going to pop two tablets into his mouth, drinking some of the sink water to swallow them down. The nightmares of Lucas has occurred every night. It being the night that Max died, while he was trying to find Vecna, Vecna telling Lucas if he dies Max dies and Lucas almost-

Lucas tells himself not to think about it, he has been telling himself this for the past few months and it never works out. He doesn't know why he is having these nightmares still, Max is with him finally, he is able to hold her against him and hear her voice, she is finally here with him, so he doesn't understand why these nightmares keep continuing.

At first it was a few days, he shrugged it off and said it would eventually go away. Days turned into a week, a week turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.

Lucas rubs his forehead, feeling it lightly throb while it is hot as well, him rubbing his eyes a little as well.

"Lucas! Lucas!"

Lucas eyes widen as he quickly runs out of the bathroom door, him tripping on the door making it slam hard against the wall. Lucas hurries back into the room, seeing Max look frantically around her while using her good arm to feel around the bed, feeling around her.

"No no no I don't wanna be back here again please help me! Please help me Lucas! Please don't leave me here alone!" Max yells while she cries.

"Max I'm here!" Lucas quickly says, going up to the bed and pull her closely to him, going to drape her legs over him, wrapping his arms tightly and securely around her waist. "I'm here Max, I'm here."

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