SCHOOL ROCKS! Reiner x Reader (Modern AU)

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"Hey (f/n)! What's up?" Sasha says as you walk into school.

Today is the day where something big is going to happen. We were told that someone was going to be asked out and asked to the school dance.

You were hoping that it was going to be you. You've had my eyes set on this big, burly blonde for a while, and normally you don't like the big muscular jocks, but Reiner is the only exception. You have liked him for some time now but have done nothing about it.

"Hey, guys!" You call back and wave at the same time. They wave back to me.

You look at your group. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Connie, Krista, Ymir, Annie, Bertholdt, Jean, Marco, and Reiner. What? Reiner? Why is he by our group today? He's never by our group, it's always his sporty friends that he's always by.

Your heart starts to beat faster as you approach my friends who are sitting at the table. The only open seat is next to Reiner. Of course. Just your luck.

You take the seat next to him. He smiles at you. He fucking smiles! You are internally screaming right now.

"Hey," He bumps you in the shoulder playfully. You feel your face go red.

"Hi." You smile back. You turn back to the rest of the group and listen to them drone on and on about what had happened yesterday.

Don't get me wrong. You love your friends, but they can be a little boring at times.

"(F/n), I want to talk to you. Come with me for a second?" It takes you a while to realize that he's talking to you. You blink your eyes a few times. He's standing and intentionally looking at you. "(F/n) are you okay?"Oh my God. He cares if I'm okay? Okay, back it up. You're reading way too much into this situation.

"Y-yeah. Of course, I am." You say with a smile. He nods his head in a direction, telling you to follow him.

You guys walk past his football friends and they all have sly smiles on their faces and a few thumbs up. You pretend like you don't see it. Your face goes 4 darker shades of red.

You round the corner to the gym and he stops. You almost run into him, but he catches you. You blush more. "Woah there." He smiles. You love his fucking smile.

"Sorry..." You mutter. You start to nervously play with your hands. Reiner runs his hands through his blonde hair to get it out of his face, but it just falls back to the way that it was.

"So," He gets quiet. That's not like Reiner. You look up at him and he looks extremely nervous. Could this really be happening? Am I really the person that is going to be asked out? No. Hush. It's not going to happen to you. He's just going to ask advice or something. But his friends... No.

"I wanted to know if, you, uh..." He trails off. "IlikeyouandIwaswonderingifyou'dgooutwithme. I-I mean that's if you like me too." He was talking a little fast, but you could understand him.

His arms are at his sides and he's looking at the ground.

You throw your arms around him, your head on his chest. He gets surprised but then he wraps his arms around you too. You bury your head in his muscular chest. You love it. He's delicate with you, he could easily squeeze the site out of your lungs right now.

"I like you too, you fool." You say as you break the hug. He tilts your chin up and he bends down. He places a light kiss on your lips. It's sweet, careful, and loving.

"You're great (F/n). You and your beautiful (h/c) are perfect. Even everything else about you is perfect. Your nerdiness is perfect. Your smile is perfect. Your laugh is perfect. You're-" You put your hand over his mouth as you blush from embarrassment. He cooperates with you so you let your hand fall to your side.

"That's not an acceptable way to shut me up." He teases.

"Okay then. How am I suppose to shut you up?" You have a feeling that you already know the answer. He bends down and places another gentle kiss on your lips. Can I just melt right here?

"That's how." We smile at each other for a while. "(F/n), will you go to the dance with me?" He asks ever so sweetly.

"No." You tease. He looks so sad. "I'm just kidding! Yes, I will!" You reassure him.

"Good." He smiles. You can't get enough of his smile.

The bell rings for us to go to class. He says goodbye to you and you part your separate ways. There's one thought that won't leave your mind right now. I'm dating Reiner fucking Braun. But also that his teammates are accepting that he's saying a complete nerd like you. Either way, you're happy.

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