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It was a normal Tuesday afternoon when Mikasa invited me to a small party that she and Eren were hosting. It was in their small, homey apartment. Naturally, I accepted the invitation thinking it was going to be a small get together of all us close friends, oh boy was I wrong. It seemed like most of the people in our class were there. How we all fit into the apartment, I wasn't too sure. But it didn't all explain as to how I ended up in this situation...

"No no no no no no no. I am not playing this game!" I shouted to Jean as I waved my hands in front of my face.

He grabbed my wrists and pulled my arms down to my sides. "Everyone we've known since like fourth grade is going to play, so it's not that many people. No strangers. I swear." I wanted to be assured by the way his voice sounded, but I knew Jean, and knowing Jean was full of unwanted surprises but I gave in.

"Fine," I sighed, "I'll play your dumb ass game. But if I don't like what's happening, I'll leave." I wanted to make my statement clear to him. He needed to know that I wasn't joking around and that if something happened to me or someone else and I didn't like it, I was done with his little game.

A devilish grin spread across his face. "Good," He took hold of my hand and dragged me into a room where all of our friends were sitting. They were sitting in a circle and there were only two open spots. I took the spot in between Mikasa and Krista whereas Jean sat in between Armin and Sasha.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Reiner stand up with a bad in his hand. Just the thought of the bag made a lump form in my throat. I knew what the bag meant. What was within it scared me more. I didn't know who had what for items in there, so I couldn't pick someone based on the feeling of the item. That's how I used to play it as a kid. I watched who put what in the bag and picked based off of that. This time, I never saw anyone put an item in the bag.

I attempted to swallow the lump in my throat as I noticed Reiner meander his way over to me. Why did I have to go first? I was just an innocent child and he was a big buff guy that was picking on me.

Once the blonde was in front of me, he stuck the bag and jiggled it in front of my face.

"Do I have to?" I attempted to plead with him.

He smirked and shook his head. "Rules are rules. And the rule is whoever I choose to go first, goes first."

Sometimes I really hated him. He always got me on technicalities such as this one. Yes, I could have walked out of the room, but the fun hadn't begun yet. What kind of person would I be if I walked out then? Not a fun one, that's for sure. I wasn't that much of a wimp.

I shoved my hand into the bag and grabbed the first thing that I felt. It was a thin, silky ribbon but it was also heavy like something was attached to it. Immediately I knew what it was and who it belonged to. My eyes flickered to who it belonged to, then back at the bag. I tried to drop the item and pick up a new one, but Reiner stopped me and pulled my hand out with the key in it before I could even attempt to pick something else.

"No putting it back, (F/N). You know that." The smirk appeared on his face once more. I sighed and help up the item. It was a key attached to a ribbon, just as I thought. Eren Jaeger. The kid that I despised pretty much my whole life. Out of everyone else I picked his item.

"Please? I can't do this, Reiner." I tried to whine to get him to be on my side, but he didn't budge. He shoved the key into my hand and pulled me up to my feet. He began to take me to a closet and just as we were going to pass Eren, he grabbed him by his arm and began to drag him too.

I didn't dare look at the kid. I didn't want to. There was no way I'd happily spend seven minuted with him in a small, dark closet. There was no way in hell that I would ever happily be with that freak in a confined space.

Reiner opened the closet door, shoved us inside and slammed the door. I fell onto the floor on my hand and knees, and he fell on top of me almost sitting on my back.

"Get off, Jaeger."

"Sorry," he apologized and quickly got off of me.

We sat on opposite sides of the small closet, our toes touching just slightly. It was silent. All you could hear was our breathing, and that was annoying me. Especially his breathing. It was so annoying. In and out. In and out through his nose. It made me want to knock him out to the point that I started to hyperventilate.

I hugged my knees to my chest and was looking down in my lap, not wanting to look Eren in the eyes who I knew who was watching me. He was watching my panic attack, and I was about to snap.

"Are you oka-"

"Shut up, Eren. Okay? I didn't... want to be in here... with you... I can't stand this... I want out!" I began to stand up and reach for the door handle when I felt a strong hand grab my arm.

When I turned around I glared at him with piercing daggers but he didn't let go.

"Let go of me!" I tried to yank my arm away but his grip was too strong.

I was sure that everyone outside of the closet could hear what's going on and I didn't really care. We all knew how much I hated Eren, it was no secret. Yet they made me keep his item and go into a cramped space with the brat.

Again, I tried to yank my arm away but still he did not budge. I threw his key at him in hopes that it would make him let go, but that didn't work either.

"Eren! Let. Me. GO!" I pushed on his chest with my free hand. That was a mistake. He grabbed it and pulled me into a hug. I continued to try and push away, but he held me in place with one hand holding my head to his chest, and the other around my waist.

"Sh... Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that..." He said hardly above a whisper.

I let my body go limp and I stopped fighting. I focused in on his heartbeat and only his heartbeat. I was breathing in rhythm to his heartbeat and I also realized that our beats were in sync. It made me calm. It made me want to stop hating him. I started to let go of my unreasonable hate for Eren.

He loosened his grip on my and ran his fingers through my hair. "Better?" All I could do was nod in response. He had successfully calmed me down and that meant the world to me.

"Thank you," I breathed as I adjusted my head on his chest. He continued to run his fingers through my hair. The feel of his light breathing hitting my shoulder and his gentle touch made me forget everything that just happened. The yelling, the hate, all of it. It even made me forget the true reason why I hated him.

"I'm so sorry, Eren. I'm sorry for being so mean to you all of these years. I'm sorry for trying to make your life miserable. It was wrong for me to do so. I don't even remember why I hate you. Please forgive me. I never meant it. I'm sorry." I was practically sobbing in his arms. I felt so bad for everything and there was no way to fix it. Hell, I knew that he probably actually hated me too. Especially for treating him the way that I did over all of these years.

"I forgive you. I forgave you years ago, (F/N)," He pulled away from the hug a bit and brought a hand up to my face. He cupped one of my cheeks and locked eyes with me. His big, deep teal eyes were too mesmerizing that I couldn't bring myself to look away from him. It felt like I need to be looking in his eyes.

Suddenly his lips were on top of mine. There was no doubt that I melted into that kiss, almost like I wanted it my whole life. Maybe I did. But I was glad that it happened now.

"Eren?" I questioned as I pulled away from the kiss. He looked me in the eyes again and had a questioning look on his face. "Was this setup?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it was."

"Good. I'm glad it was. It made me realize that I shouldn't hate you." I gave him a small peck on the cheek and he smiled which caused me to smile.

"Me too, (F/N). Me too."


Sorry if you all hated this. I hate a legit idea and I wanted to get it out asap. It's not totally perfect, although I wish it was. Sadly, I don't have time fore that.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

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