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It was the day of the Scouting Regiment's festival. Every cadet and Squad Leader were asked to prepare a booth. Some participated, others did not. The ones that made booths made them flashy and were well done. Everyone really pulled out their arts and crafts skills to make this festival a success. It was no surprise that everyone came from all over to participate in the fun and games that we hosted. Of course, there were those that sat there and complained that we wasted their tax money on this, but we didn't. We used money that was raised by the Scouting Legion and the Scouting Legion only. Many never understood that.

I was one that didn't make a booth. I didn't have the time. I was always cleaning because I always talked back to Captain Levi. You think that I would have learned by now, but I never took his sass and never will.

When I was walking around the festival, I took note of all the booths that I wanted to visit and the ones I wanted to avoid. Reiner had a strong man booth, Hanji and Eren had a titan one, Erwin had a "Future Leaders" booth, Levi had cleaning, Krista had a compliment one, Marco a kissing booth, Sasha a food donation one, Connie had fun games planned out, and Jean one to tell people that he "did not have a horse face." Most of those I planned on visiting.

I was going to make stops at Reiner's, Krista's, Jean's, and Connie's. Those were the ones that sounded the most fun. I wanted to prove that I'm stronger than people give me credit for at Reiner's booth, I wanted to go to Krista's to see what the compliment booth was all about, Jean's; to insult him, and Connie's because who doesn't like games? Connie was a fun dude that I would gladly hang around. There was never a dull moment with him.

As I was on my way to Reiner's, I was stopped by a short person. They glared at me until I had no choice but notice them. "Brat, you better come to my booth." They growled.

"Sorry Levi, I wasn't planning on it. I'm not interested in cleaning like you are. It's not my fetish." His eye twitched as I spoke those words. I had made him angry again. That seemed to be my specialty these days.

"(F/N), you better march your ass over to my booth right now or you'll be punish permanently." I gulpped a large lump down my throat. Punished? Permanently? There was no way that I wanted that, no way at all. Just the thought of it make me want to throw myself into the mouth of a titan, so I slowly shuffled my way to Levi and his cleaning supplies. He started to give me a lecture and a demonstration on how to properly use cleaning supplies and how to clean correctly. Needless to say, him giving such a presentation made me wish I had made a booth of my own. He went on for about an hour before letting me go do my own thing.

'I'm glad that's over.' I thought to myself as I finally found Reiner.

"Hey, (F/N)! Here to prove your strength?" He was excited to see if if I had been telling the truth about how strong I am. I didn't blame him. It's not like I looked like I'd be strong; I looked weak as hell.

"Sure am!" I beem. He handed me the oversized hammer. I had some struggles of lifting it up, but after getting used to its weight, I had no problem at all.

I raised the hammer above my head and aimed it at the small circle plate thay was on the leaver. With a deep breath taken in, I slapped the hammer down as I exhaled. It took all my strength, but I did it. The puck that measured my strength went flying up the tower and got one away from the strongest. I was happy woth how I did, Reiner was impressed.

"Wow. I guess you were right. Here's your prize." I had no clue that prizes were involved. He handed me a small teddy bear. It was light brown with black button eyes it was so cute. I thanked him for it and left to go to my next destination.

I had to search for my other friend's booths and find a path to avoid Hanji at all costs. There wasn'tany way that I wanted to get caught up in her titan talk. She would have kept me there all day if she saw me. Once she gets going on the topic of titans, there's no getting her to stop. She stopped anyone that dared to walk in front of her, and she made it so you had to notice her. She also tried to convince everyone to be her assistant, she wanted as many as she possibly could have so she could switch them out as she pleased.

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