CRASH Jean X Reader

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Jean's POV

'Shit. . . Shit. . . Shit. . .' I thought to myself as I was driving down the road with (F/N) behind me.

I took a deep breath in. I had to think this through quick because I didn't have enough to to be rational. She was the only one on my mind. I wanted her to be safe. I didn't care about myself.

"Hey, can you take my helmet off? I'm getting really hot." It wasn't a lie. I was hot. I should have just gave her the helmet in the first place. "Put it on, (F/N). Okay?" I didn't dare look back at her.

"Um, Jean? Isn't thus a little dangerous?" She asked ever so shakily. I wanted to stop the bike and hug her, but I couldn't.

I shook my head and told her that it was fine, that I just wanted her to be safer than I. I barely just heard her hum in response.

I turned my head slightly and saw her put the helmet on. A sigh of slight relief escaped my lips. At least one of us would have hopefully survived.

Honestly, I didn't even know why she chose to date me. I was horrible to her at first. She was perfect, I wasn't. I treated her like shit, I even cheated on her, but she saw the light in me and brought it out. I guess I could say she made me the man that I was and aspired to be. She made me realize that people can improve themselves. And now, I was improving myself once more by saving her. She had so much more to live for. So much more than I. I wasn't going to let her life get wasted because of my own stupidity.

As I attempted to turn the corner I braced myself. Since she had no clue as to what was going on, she was limp.

"(F/N), I love you."

"I love you too, Jean." She whispered in my ear.

A tear streamed down my cheek as her words echoed throughout my mind. I was glad that those were my last words, because just as she utered them, that's when I crashed.

I crashed my bike into the hospital. Due to the high speed impact, I didn't make it. I collided into a brick wall at 85 miles per an hour. The helmet that I told (F/N) to wear saved her life.

Your POV

Within seconds medics from the hospital came rushing out. I was going in and out of consciousness. I felt a few people loft me onto a strecher, along with seeing Jean on one too. I also heard them mutter some words. I couldn't make all of them out, nor could I make much sense of them.

"He. . . head injury. . . instantly. . . impact. . . time. . . 9:47 pm. . . "

I had no idea what was going on. I was panicking because I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. I was powerless.

Soon I was blinded by whiteness and bright lights. I knew that I was inside of a hospital, but why? What had happened to land me in here. Was it something Jean did? Was it something I did? I had no memory of what landed us in this position.

Again, my vision began to blur and everything went black.


I awoke a few days later, still in the hospital. I had regained my memory of the accident. I cried my eyes out for hours on end. How could he have done that to me? He left me here without him! Why would he do that?! I was so angry at him for doing that. No one would do that. He could have just thrown his helmet or something. It would have been better than leaving me here without him. Without him, my life was nothing. I spent all of my time on him. I help changed who he was. I knew what he was capable of and I got him to be that person. All of my work had vanished and would have been soon forgotten by many people.

I turned on the television and the news happened to be on. I remembered the news report like I had listened to it millions of times.

"Jean Kirschtein and (F/N) (L/N) were riding on a motorcycle and crashed into the local hospital. The only survivor was wearing a hemelt. The breaks on the bike had failed and the man told his girlfriend to wear his helmet. She suffers from a slight neck injury, a dislocated shoulder, and minor bumps and bruises. She ha not yet been released from the hospital. In other news. . ." I switched the TV off. I didn't need to hear the bullshit.

A nurse walked into my room. She was sweet. Her name was Krista. "Hello~" She sang as she entered. I gave her a faint smile. As much as I wanted to be polite to her, I just couldn't.

"I know that it's tough. I knew him. He was a great guy dispite what many thought. He died saving you, miss (F/N). He loved you."

I chuckled dryly. "You know, on the news report they called me his girlfriend. They got it all wrong. I was his fiancée." My eyes slowly trailed down to our engagement ring. Krista's eyes soon followed. I heard a small gasp escape from her lips along with a sincere apology.

She wanted to congratulate me, but also mourn for me. Both were proper reactions. He had proposed just before we had gotten on his bike. We were going to visit his parents to tell them the news, then we were going to visit mine at their graves. That was a thing that we regularly did, visit my parents. I liked to keep them updated. But now, I can just go to Jean and he can tell them for me. It's sad that I won't be able to have him at my side any longer, but I know that he would be there spiritually.

After thinking about it for awhile, I was glad that he gave me his helmet. My blood work had come back with Krista and I'm glad that he decided to save me. I was pregnant with his child. Surprisingly, the accident didn't have any effect the baby so far. I was 8 weeks along. Him giving me his helmet was the best, but worst decision of my life. At least I had a little Jean to love and care for.

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