COPS Levi X Reader

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Okay, so I've already done a story as Levi being a cop, and one about Bertholdt being a mobster, but I asked a friend for an idea and she said to do one where Levi is a mob leader and wants to become a cop.

If you read the others, I will try my hardest to make this one different than those.

Thank you so much for reading my stories. It really means so much to me. I always look forward to posting stories for you all!

Levi's P.O.V

I was raised to be a mobster. Sadly it ran in my family, and I was best fit for the job. I wanted to do something with my life. I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to be killing people for whatever the hell the reason was for. I wanted to save people, to help people. I wanted the opposite of this.

They called my the mob's strongest. I was the best leader that they've had in years aparently. It actually angered that I was their best. I tried my hardest to be their worst. I've killed as few people as possible, made bad calls on purpose, gotten my own men killed; yet they still call me their best.

I couldn't quit, no, that was frowned upon. Quitting got you killed. You stayed in power until you were killed or died off on your own. But I had a plan, a plan to get me out of doing this wretched job. I was going to fake my own death.

Yes, it seemed awfully dangerous to fake my own death, but it was the only way out without truly dying.

I reached out to a few of my contacts. They gave me a new identity. My new name was Levi Ackerman. I had to dye my hair black and cut it as an undercut style. I was fairly unrecognizable if you didn't stare at me too long.

I even reached out to the Chief of Police, (F/N) (L/N). We've known one another for years, and she was always willing to help me out if I got into any trouble. She was willing to give me a job on her police force. She knew my skill set and was fairly confident that I would do well as a cop. She knew that I had always wanted to be a cop ever since I was small.

One the day that I talked to her, she gave me a job on the spot. I ha ld my fake resume in hand and everything. She said that there was no need for it all. She had already taken the liberty of filling out all ovlf the paperwork ahead of time. She had known that I was planning this for years, so of course we had everything sorted out, but it all just needed to be signed and dated.

Honestly, I felt like a new man being free from the mob. Yes, technically I was a new man, but I was a new man freed from his horrible past. I was a man that was accepted into the line of work that had fought against me. I was a man that could start over new. Unless, of course, if the mob found me somehow. That would have happened, not under (F/N)'s watch. She was my angel at that time. She saved me from my family and myself. Anymore time doing what I did, I would have been consumed unto that life and would not have been able to break free from it.

I reported to work the very next day after I was scheduled.

"Thank you, (F/N). You have no idea what this means to me. I will be forever greatful for you, you little shit."

She smiled at me. "Levi, it's my pleasure. I owed you anyway. You got me out of trouble that one time when I was digging into shit that I shouldn't have been. Thunk of this as you payment. But if anyone finds out the story behind why you're here, my ass is on the line." She warned me. I wouldn't let anyone find out why. I'd make something up and lie before I'd tell anyone the truth!

"Tch. Don't remind me of that, brat. I only did it because I thought you were attractive." I rolled my eyes at her.

She pouted. "Only thought? You don't think that now?" I could see the slight hurt in her eyes. I didn't mean for it to sound harsh. . .

I sighed and took her left hand into mine. "Brat, I mean babe. I don't mean it that way. Don't be mad at me." I didn't mean to call her a brat. Shit, I was going to get into some huge trouble for that.

"Fine, you know I can't be mad at you. But I can make fun of how short and French you are!" She pulled on the tie of my uniform and skipped away. Sometimes I swore that she was so childish. I've never met anyone like her though. She had her own way of doing things, and she got them done right.

Okay. . . This turned out pretty shitty, man. I had an idea in my head, but then I quit writing it, then I tried again and it didn't quite translate well. Damn.

Well, let me know what you thought. Also you can give me suggestions for improvement if you'd like! (Just don't be super rude about it.) I'll take good and bad criticism. I believe that criticism make your writing strong and helps you improve yourself!

Love you all!

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