BANG! BANG! Old Timy!Gangster! Bertholdt x Detective!Old Timey! Reader

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This music just adds mood to the story. It's old timey detective music. Okay it if you wish, but you might have to start it over because it's only about 2 and a half minutes long. Anyways.... Read on!

It was a dark and gloomy night. Rain was falling from the sky. No one was outside except for me because I had been doing a little "research" on a certain someone. I was hired by an unknown person, but this wasn't the first time. That's how I got most of my work. Sneaking around with my little pad of paper and pen, wearing a fedora and a trench coat. Not my usual attire, but when I got jobs like these, that's what I needed to wear.

I hid behind a corner of an old building while I used a newspaper to disguise myself. Did I look shady? Probably. But it's a part of my job.

Suddenly I saw a person rush out of a building from across the street. I immediately identified him as my target.

He rushed into a running vehicle that took off as soon as he was inside. The driver didn't even wait for him to close his door.

I slowly made my way to the building that he exited from. When I knocked on the door a person slid open the speaking slot and asked me for a password. I panicked for a moment because I realized that I had no such knowledge of a password. Nonetheless it caught me off guard.

"Scouting Legion," I said hoping that was the right password. I remembered from my research that my target had something to do with such organization. It rung a bell as the password for some reason.

The man behind the door laughed in my face. "Nice try. Get outta here." He said with a slight Italian accent.

I thought about what I had done for research a little bit more and remembered that he had an affiliation with the Titans, then the Scouting Legion, then left for the Titans once more. They way that it appeared to me was that he was a spy. That meant he's smart, sneaky, and attentive. A few deadly traits for and amateur reporter to be against. But it was a good thing that I wasn't an amateur.

"Titania," I said confidently. It's something that I suddenly remembered. That was the only password-like word that I had knowledge of, yet it was brilliant.

The man behind the door cleared his throat. "I don't know how you guessed it, but since you did I have to let you in." I heard him starting to unlock the many locks that kept the door sealed tightly. It seemed a little too secretive of an organization to have that many locks on just one door.

When the door was open I recognized the man. He was an ex detective that I used to work with. Luckily he didn't recognize me, or so I thought.

He had a tommy gun on him and it was pointed right at me. It caused me to freeze in the moment. I thought he was going to shoot me right then and there. I was honestly scared for my life, I feared that I wouldn't be able to finish the case for my client. That early in the investigation would have been a horrible time to die. But all the man did was lead me to the back room. Most of the building was pure silence. There was the sound of yelling, a gun shot, then more silence. I managed to keep my cool while hearing what I did. I had a fabulous poker face.

In the back room, it was dark. There was one source of light. I had to squint to make out the faintest of shapes. I had no clue how the man that lead me here could see so perfectly in the pitch darkness.

With out warning all of the lights in the room turned on, but they only shinned on two people. The man sitting in the throne, and me. His face. . . I knew that I recognized his face. . . Why did he looks so familiar? It dawned on me. That's Bertholdt! I gasped in shock. I just saw him leave the building. . .

"How?" I said to myself.

"So, detective, we finally meet. It's nice to see you up close. I must say that I'm impressed with your work. We hardly noticed you sneaking around, but the first false password really is what got you noticed. Now, I'm not saying that you're horrible at your job, but you didn't fool us very well. I would give you pointers but since you're not walking out of here alive, I won't waste my breath. I truly must commend you for trying again for the password and actually getting it right. You're brave," Bertholdt lectured at me. "Any last words?" He asked as he pulled out a pistol that he had concealed in his vest.

"Well, since these are my last words I might as well rat out however hired me. . . Don Hoover, it was Annie Leonhardt." He didn't act shocked at all. His face remained stone. He motioned for one of his guards and whispered in his ear. The man nodded and grabbed me by the back of my coat collar and hauled me to my feet.

"If you're lying to save your skin, it won't work." He spat.

I shook my head. Of course I was lying, why wouldn't I? I had to save myself. I just couldn't let myself die, and if that meant throwing his mistress under the bus, so be it. I would take any chance that I got to save my life. "I have proof!" I said, still lying. The man let go of me and I grabbed a piece of paper out of one of my many trench coat pockets.

There I held the "proof." It was a letter.


I fear that my dear Bertholdt is with other women. I know that I am his mistress myself, but I feel that he doesn't love me as much as he did before. I fear that I am losing him. . . Please find out for me.


The man took it for Bertholdt to read. He hummed. As he did the doors opened once more. A women dressed in a red flapper dress, short black heels, and expensive jewelry walked in. She was coming to verify the letter because it was none other to Annie Leonhardt herself.

Bertholdt didn't even have to speak to her to make her talk. "He's lying! Kill him!" She exclaimed after reading the letter.

The man with the tommy gun then shot me dead right where I stood. My lifeless body fell to the cold, hard ground ending my case.


Sorry about the bad writing. I've been writing so many essays for school that I hardly remember how to write actual stories. Don't worry. They will improve!

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