STALKER Innocent! Krista x Boy/Girl! Reader

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Two stories in one day!

Please read vvv

Okay... This one involves some stuff... It you are sensitive to stealing, kidnapping, and implied rape, please DO NOT READ! This is your warning. I don't know how I got to writing this, but I did. I normally don't write stuff like this... But here you go...

You have loved her since you first set your eyes on her. You loved her blonde hair, her blue eyes, her white smoke, and her innocence.

You have pictures upon pictures of her in your room. You have followed her around and maybe have "accidentally" bumped into her a few times before.

You followed her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, every social media that she had an account for. All of your accounts were under different names, as though not to be found out by her. Thanks to those sights you have "accidentally" bumped into her at places.

You took your pictures in secrecy. You have mastered the element of sneakily taking pictures and making it look like you're doing something else if you're about to be caught or found out.

"Oh, Krista..." You purred petting a blurry photo of her face. You had an evil grin on your face, plotting what you were going to do next.

Your phone went off. Krista updated her status on Facebook.

Krista Lenz:

Going to (favorite store) with the girls! -with Sasha Braus, Petra Ral, Hanji Zoë.

You laughed to yourself. Looks like I know where I'm going... A devilish grin appeared on you (s/c) face.

Fifteen minutes later you arrived at the store where Krista said that she was going. You spotted her easily. She was looking at a beautiful dress. It would look so pretty in her... You laughed evilly at yourself. You took out your phone and started to snap pictures. You rested yourself on a clothing rack so it looked like you were just texting.

The people that you assumed to be Sasha, Petra, and Hanji walked away from your prey. Once you knew that they were out of eye sight and ear shot, you knew that was your time to swoop in and capture your so-called "prey".

You bumped into her on purpose. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" Krista said with much sympathy. You shook your head in disagreement.

"No no no no. It's my fault." You extended a hand out to her. "My name is (Fake name) (L/N)." She smiled at you with bright eyes and shook your hand.

"I'm Krista Lenz. Again, I'm sorry." She started to turn and walk away from you, but you grab her wrist before she is able to get too far. There was a look of worry in her eyes, but her smile still remained. Your face was a lie, it was concerned, but on the inside, you knew what you were going to do to her. You were prepared for this.

"Let's go for coffee or something. My treat. We can take my car." You could hear the slightest tone of evil in your voice. The worry from her eyes was now on her whole face, but nonetheless, she nodded. She took out her phone, texting her friends what was going on. You didn't wait for a response from them before you dragged Krista out of the store and into your car.

You drove to your house and she asked you why. You told her that you forgot something that you needed at the moment and you invited her inside. She followed almost hesitantly.

You went down into your basement where everything is set up. You make her enter the room before you, the door is quickly locked as you go down after her.

"W-what's going o-on?" Terror filled her beautifully innocent face. You let out an evil chuckle and grabbed her arms. You slapped the handcuffs on her wrists, pushed her into a chair, and tied her to it with rope a duct tape. You took everything out of her pockets and searched the rest of her. You found nothing that she could use against you.

You take her phone and smash it with a hammer. "(F-Fake Name)? What the hell are you doing? I-if this is a joke, i-it isn't f-funny!" She said on the verge of tears.

You ran the back of your hand down her smooth cheek. A stray tear fell down her face and you wipe it away with your thumb while a sick smile was permanently fixed on your face.

"Shhh, my Krista. Or shall I say Historia? I'm here for you. Please don't cry." You made a playful pouty face at her as more tears started to fall.

"I-if Ymir finds out s-she'll personally m-murder you f-for this." She was shaking like a leaf. You wrapped your arms around her. "P-please don't h-hurt m-me." She pleaded.

"I won't hurt you if you cooperate with me." You gently placed your lips against her trembling ones. Her fear made you smile with delight. Her eyes darted from side to side searching for something, something, to help her out. She gave up on the search.

"Help!!!!!!!" She screamed as loud as her tiny lungs allowed her.

You smacked her across her pretty cheek. "Shut the FUCK up! NO ONE can hear you!" You hissed angrily.

You grabbed a cloth and tied it around her mouth and a temporary gag. She was sobbing uncontrollably. "If you don't cooperate, then this happens. Got it?!" You snapped. She nodded.

When it got close to 5:30 PM you brought her dinner. You have her no utensils whatsoever. Whatever needed to be cut already was. You took caution to everything you did and everything that Krista did. You watched her eat, as to make sure that she won't come herself, you helped her with everything so she can do nothing to expose what you're doing to her.

"G'night my little toy~," You said kissing her cheek, leaving the room locking the door. She was left tied up in the chair, gag in her mouth, and wrists still cuffed. You knew that you would have sweet dreams tonight.


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