SMILE Erwin X Reader

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You've known Erwin for years, as in since before he became the Commander of the Scouting Legion. That's been for a while now. You knew that you were his closest friend, even beating out Levi and Hanji.

You knew his strengths, weaknesses, what makes him laugh, what makes cry; but you did not know what made him smile. Out of all of the years that you have known him, you have never seen him smile. Not once. You found that strange. How could one not smile? You smiled at least 50 times a day! Did he smile in private? Did he not smile at all? You wondered, but you never got an answer from him. He would never tell anyone.

You decided it was time to find out. It couldn't have been healthy for someone to go so long without smiling.

You went up to Erwin's office, with being a squad leader you entered without knocking. "Erwin, are you here?" You asked, peaking your head into his room. After looking around you saw nothing and decided to take a look around rather than just peaking your head in.

"Erwin? It's me," You called out to him. Normally he'd respond, but not now.

You went around behind his desk and found him passed out on the floor. You also see his paperwork that fell on the flow along with him.

A sigh escaped your lips. You bent down to the tall blonde and shook him a bit. He didn't wake. You hooked your arms under his armpits and dragged him from behind his desk. You tried to lift him up onto his bed, but failed. He was too heavy, then again he was made of purely muscle and eyebrows.

Much to you luck he started to wake up.

He grumbled as his eyes opened. "W-what's going on? W-where am I? (F/N), is that you?" You smiled down at him.

"Well, well. Look who decided to wake up." You cooed at him.

He sat up against his bed and began to question further what had happened.

"You fell asleep, dude. You fell out of your chair and your paperwork fell with you."

"Fuck. . ." He cursed under his breath. You smirked when you heard him swear. He actually did swear much, only when he was truly stressed.

"I came in here wanting to talk to tou, but I saw you passed out so I tried to put you in your bed. Needless to say you were too heavy for me to pick up."

"Is that a fat joke?" He raised an eyebrow, yet no smile. His face remained as stoic as usual. That displeased you very much.


You shook your head and told him that he was just too much muscle. It was true.

He nodded and asked what you had wanted.

"I want you to take a break. You need it, Erwin. I can't go on seeing you stress yourself out like this every single day." You admitted. You cared too much for him to see him put himself through that. You a would even help with things if it would help him be less stressed. You just wanted him to smile for once.

"I can't take a break-"

You cut him off. "I'll help you. I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to make you less stressed." You pleaded with him. He sighed and gave into you.

"Fine. I'll take a break, but you better help me lime you promised. Pinky swear." He stuck out his pinky and you interlaced it with yours. You shook it a little bit and smiled at him. You'd keep your word.

You suggested getting some food, he agreed.

As you lead him down to the mess hall, he questioned you. Why where you making him take a break? Where were you going to take him? All for you to know and for him to find out.

In the mess hall you grabbed some bread for the both of you. You handed him his loaf and took a bite of yours.

"So?" He asked.

You shrugged.

After eating you took him to the training ground. It didn't really mean anything to the either of you, it was just a quiet place at that time because it was past curfew.

You laid down in the grass and he laid next to you. You both stared up at the night sky. The stars were out and we're shinning down on the both of you. It was such a beautiful setting to be in.

"Do you think that there's a world out there without titans?" You asked the blonde.

He looked puzzled for a moment. "I don't know. . ."

"What would you be doing right now if there weren't any titans?" You rolled on you side and propped yourself up with your arm.

He hummed for a moment. "I would hope that I would be married and have kids. My wife would be beautiful, so would our children. Heh. You know who my wife would be, (F/N)?"

"Hanji?" You joked.

He shook his head. "No, silly. My wife would be you."

You blushed and your eyes went wide. Erwin turned to you and looked you in the eyes. He sat up and scooted closer to you. He also had a slight dusting of red across his cheeks.

"E-Erwin. . ."

He smiled at how you stuttered. He has never heard you stutter before.

He smiled!

"You smiled! I thought you never smiled."

"You always make me smile, (F/N). You just never see it. I'll make sure to smile more around you, because you're what makes me happy. You give me a reason to wake up every morning. I love you, (F/N). I've wanted to tell you for years, but I haven't had the confidence. I love you."

You covered your mouth with your hand. What he had said surprised you.

"I-I love you too." You smiled and embraced him in a hug.

You had made him smile. You had accomplished you goal and so much more. It was an eventful day that you were glad that happened. You were glad that you went into his office to check on him. The man that you cared so much for loved you, and you loved him back. Nothing could ever ruin your mood. All you wanted to do was spend time with Erwin.

"What do you say we go back and finish my paperwork now? He stood up and stretched.

"Erwin! This was supposed to be a break!" You whined and pouted.

He smiled and picked you up twirled you around. "Well, lil' miss, break time is over." He planted a small, delicate kiss on your cheek. It made you blush even deeper.

It was unbelievable how much you loved that man.

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