STOOD UP Jean X Marco -one shot-

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My friend Armin had set me up on a blind date with this really handsome guy. He showed me pictures of him and everything. He was pretty much all you could ask for in a man. He was the total package to say the least. His name was Bertholdt. Even his name was perfect.

We were to meet in this four star restaurant. It wasn't supposed to be a face date, but he insisted, or at least Armin did.

I arrived at the restaurant early, I'm always early so it was nothing new to me.

The sweet waitress took me to my seat and let me look over their menu. Their food sounded delicious and I wanted to try every single thing that I could have possibly ordered. I was practically having a foodgasm over what the menu had only said, no pictures involved.

I looked at my watch, realizing that he was late. The waitress came over and asked if I was ready.

"No, could you please give me some more time? I'm just waiting for my date to get here." I had said. She politely nodded and went to check on other customers.

Honestly, I was getting impatient. I didn't like being stood up, and I had a feeling that is what was happening. He could have texted me to tell me that he made up his mind or something. Standing someone up is just rude and makes a bad impression for all.

About ten minutes later the waitress came again. I sighed. I had a deep felling in my gut that he wasn't going to show up at all. I told her just five more minture. If he wasn't here by then, I was going to leave.

Well, five minutes passed. Everyone was looking at me by now. The kid with no date. I couldn't believe that I had gotten stood up. That behavior was unexcusable.

Just as I got up to leave, a devilishly had some man sat down at my table.

"Sorry love, I dropped my phone in the toilet and got stuck behind a car crash." He said loud enough for everyone around us to hear.

At first I was confused. Who is he? Why is he doing this? This was all strange to me.

He wispered to me, "My name is Jean. Play along. You didn't diserve to be stood up." I nodded at him.

"Thank you. My name is Marco."

The waitress came back once more and asked if we were ready. We both nodded. He ordered his favorite and I ordered mine.

While we waited for our food we had many pleasent conversations. Jean was actually a nice guy. And he was gay, so that was a plus. He was so cute too, even cuter than Bertholdt, and I didn't think that was possible.

Once dinner ended, the bill arrived. We fought over who was going to pay. I insisted that I should because he didn't ask to get involved with this, and it would be a nice gesture as a thank you to him; he wanted to because it was the nice thing to do.

I gave in and let him pay because I didn't want to fight with such a cute person.

When we exited the restaurant he stopped me from walking away. He grabbed my wrist and hung on to it.

"Marco, thank you for tonight. . . Would you like to go out on another date together?" He asked.

I blushed. He was so sweet. "Oh, Jean. This was probably the best blind date that I've been on. The worst, yet the best. I'd love to go on another date with you." I hugged and had a huge smile on my face.

He accepted my hug and asked me for my number. He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I put in my number and handed it back.

Suddenly my pocket vibrated. It was from and unknown number. I looked up at Jean and smiled. I opened the text and it read, "Tuesday night. This restaurant at 6pm. I'll be there, trust me." I smiled at that. He made me get the little butterflies in my stomach.

I had a good feelingabout this guy. He would definitely be a keeper.

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