Mikasa X Fem!Violinist!Tomboy! Reader

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This story is originally from AUnicornInASuit, who won my oneshot contest.


Hey Guys, You Obviously Know This Is A Yuri One~Shot Book, So I Still Wanted To Put 'Fem!Reader' In The Title =3.Also I Do Not Own You Guys Or The Song. Anyways Lets Get Started Shall We!!!!!

Highschool AU!


(Your P.O.V)

"Good things don't always come from 'Good' people"

Let me say, I learned that the hard way.


Krista, a petite, small, blonde haired blue-eyed female, was certainly my girlfriend who cared for our time together and cherished our memories. Or at least I thought.

I didn't know she would do this, I didn't know this would hurt me as much as it did!


'Its nothing, its nothing' I thought as I received a text from my girlfriend, saying that she wanted to talk to me seriously.

I was really nervous, usually our relationship would be happy, playing around, and care-free. Never once Krista was serious when she was talking to me.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I was on my way to meet up with Krista, worried for what would she do or say. I couldn't think properly, I couldn't handle the stress... what would she say!

'What is there to worry about, Krista is always loyal, she'd care for me. What do I need to worry about!' I thought.

As I saw her in the distance, I couldn't help feel nervous.

"Krista!" I shouted at her, quickly grabbing her attention.

"(Y/N)..." She said with such a delicate and sweet voice.

I caught up to her, pulling her into a hug. My tall frame against her's, it seemed so perfect! Every delicacy in our relationship, there's no way something bad could happen! She loved me, what could she do that's so serious!

I noticed something in her bright, shining blue eyes. It looked as if there was a hint of sadness and regret. I then realized the strong grip she had me in as we were hugging.

"(Y/N)... I need to tell you something.." She said in a low voice, I could still hear her.

"Yes, Krista. I'm here tell me anything on your mind." I said softly.

"I...I want... I want to break up..." She said, loosing her grip on me, the hug slowly breaking.

I dropped to my knees, heart aching, and tears threatening to spill. I was worried this will happen, I CONVINCED MYSELF IT'D BE FINE!!! But... Good things never come from 'Good' people..."

~~Flashback End~~

Two years, two years later. Even if I try to forget it about, she still comes up all the time! It only seems that she forgot about it, about me. I see her walking with another girl, supposedly they're dating. Her name, her name was Ymir. The one who took Krista away, the day she broke up with me, was the day she FINALLY got with Ymir.

I guess I'm worthless, and easily replaced.

~~Time Skip~~

"(Y/N)!!!!" I heard a familiar voice, as I looked behind me, I saw a brown haired male with bright shining green eyes, always wearing a brown leather jacket and light blue jeans.

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