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"Mike?" I asked as I turned to him as we were laying in the grass.

He turned to me and looked me in the eyes. "What is it, (F/N)?"

The way my name rolled off is tongue made my heart flutter. I never got over how he said certain words, my name was one of them.

"Do you think there's a world out there without titans?" His hand reached for mine as we both looked up at the sky to gaze at the stars. There were so many, and they twinkled as if they were lights on a Christmas tree.

I heard him hum. "I sure hope there is. I wouldn't wish this fate on anyone else."

"Yeah, me too." I agreed with him.

We both closed our eyes and laid there together under the stars. I had never felt so peaceful in my entire life, especially knowing that titans were out there.


"Ow! You're such a jerk!" I yelled at a girl who purposely ran into me in the hall.

She pushed me into my locker and then all of my books fell out of my arms. Quickly, I scrambled to pick them up again, but she kicked me in my side. I dropped to the floor, sprawled out.

The girl laughed at me as she kicked me in my ribs. I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to give her that satisfaction. I didn't want her to know that she was hurting me on the inside too along with the outside. She was a bully, and all she wanted was to know that she was doing damage to an innocent person that did nothing to her.

Suddenly, her kicks stopped. But as soon as they stopped, I heard her make contact with a locker too.

A small squeak escaped past her lips as she squinted her eyes.

The person tjat was holding her to the locker let her go. She coward in front of them. "Leave her alone if you know what's good for you." The man spoke. I recognized him, but at the same time I didn't.

The girls eyes widened. "You wouldn't hit a girl, would you?"

The man smirked and raised an eyebrow. The girl gathered her things and scrambled away from the scene of her crime.

He reached his hand put to me, wanting me to grab it, so I did. The man pulled me up to my feet and helped to support me as I gained my breath again.

"T-thank you," I barely said above a whisper. "I don't know how to repay you."

The man smiled. "You can repay me by telling me your name." I was taken aback by his statement.

"I'm (F/N). W-who are you?" To me, it was only fair for me to know his name too. After all, he did save me from that bully. I at least wanted to know his name.

"I'm Mike. Mike Zacharius."

I recognized his name. He was the biggest bully in the school, yet he helped me. He could have continued to beat me up, but he scared the girl away and helped me.

A smile spread across my face as he smiled back at me. Maybe he wasn't really a bad guy. . .


lowly, I walked down the dark alley. I didn't know what to expect, but I knew that it couldn't be any good.

I tried to keep to myself and not look at the acts that were happening in the alley. I even was having a pretend conversation on my phone to prevent from being jumped. All u wanted to do was to get home quickly, and walking down this alley was the sketchy short cut.

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