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Gabriel began walking through the Streets, it was a somewhat normal day, everyone doing the task they need, working or just having fun. He continued walking until he reached the train station, he remembered everything that happened, he was suppose to be dead but she manage to revert everything, he missed her so much, nothing became the same after she left, he and Emilie divorced and Adrien became his own being

He sigh in exhaustion, he looked around, the people waiting for the train, he looked at his phone and began scrolling through social media, not noticing anything from his surroundings, there was no akuma news, or news about ladybug since the miraculous never existed, he was the only one that remembered them, no trace of the book, the jewels, the heroes, knor the villains.

This world was peaceful, though it wasn't the same, everything was quiet until he heard the train coming by , he looked at his phone one last time before hiding it on his pocket, as soon as the train arrived many passengers began walking out of them, he waited until the train was fully empty  before he could walk in but was surprised when almost everyone was rushing to get in, before he knew it the train left.

Are you serious right now? He asked himself, he took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling

Did I seriously just missed the train? A voice asked

He didn't mind answering, You're not the only one, people can be so greedy when it come to small things, such as getting on a train

The next stop is still in 10 minutes I just wish my client would be patient enough, the person responded

Gabriel looked at the railroad and began asking, Tough life isn't it?

Very, the person responded I just wish I lived in a world where i can be at peace, where all I have to do is work my dream job and be with a person who truly cares for me, but I'm not in a fairy tale you know? They stated

Life can be unexpected, sometimes a wish can be granted or reverted, though the way can be a bit confusing

You have a point there,

Gabriel turned to look at the person but at the same time she dropped her items on the floor

Oh let me help you, Gabriel stated

No it's ok, I'm an independent women, doing simple things like this is not even a task where someone should help you.

Gabriel smiled, You are the type of person who can be reliable,

I guess I am she continued, while still fixing her whole bag on the floor

All of a sudden, Gabriel's phone started ringing, it was Adrien , immediately he answered

Hello son? Is there something wrong?

Not really father, adrien answered but I was wondering, where are you? Aren't we suppose to meet like 5 minutes ago?

We were but, I missed the train, people rushed forward and I got left behind.

Wow, The Gabriel Agreste, Taking a Train? That's something he commented

It's lucky no one recognized me, Yet but I know a moment from now someone will

That's ok, as long as you always becareful

I will son, the train will be arriving soon, but if you want I'll just take the taxi

Do what you must father, I can still wait he commented

Alright then I'll se you later, I love you Adrien

Love you too dad!

After that the phone call stopped, he looked around and saw the next train arriving, but from the looks of it many people might cause a stampede again so he decided to take the taxi

Before he can leave he stepped on a hairpin, a somewhat familiar one, then he remembered the woman from earlier

This must be from her, he murmured

He picked up the hairpin and turned around, many people started entering the train and the last one to enter was the lady

Wait! miss your Hairpin! He yelled

The lady turned around and looked him straight in the eye, Gabriel felt a big slap of reality that hit him, The hair, The eyes, The face, The voice


Nathalie noticed the hairpin, before she could reach the door closed and the train left, leaving Gabriel standing there all by himself still dumbfounded by what he just saw

He looked at the hairpin and remembered, it was the same hairpin brand she used whenever she would turn her hair into a bun, the hairpin that he gave her when he was still Gabi Grassete

He clenched the hairpin and held it close to his chest, and watched as the train slowly faded from  the naked eye

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