Mayuras untold story

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Lizzy was jumping on her bed at night happily then Adrien entered her room

Are you in bed yet. Little birdie ? Ask adrien

Where's mommy and daddy are they home ?

No birdie there still at work

Can you tell me a bed time story


Then the girl went to bed Adrien sat beside her

Comfy ?


What story do you wanna hear

Miraculous said lizzy Adrien froze when he herd

Ok so I'll tell you the tale of mayura

Ok go on


Mayura was a regular person she live with some birds in fact she was obsessed with birds but there is on Mira lupus holder she was really obsessed on Hawkmoth

Nathalie kisses the picture of hawkmoth

She tried everything to get his attention but other superheroes always comes to the rescue

Nathalie was on a railroad tied up

No need to fear ladybugs here

Ahhh come on !

When someone calls in there !

Oh my god

Don't worry ma'am I will save your life

I don't want you

Ladybugs here !!!

Ok I'll leave .... I'm good I'm good

She was on a pool fake drowning

Ma'am give me your hand said chat noir


Then they started to fight chat then fell on the pool

But never hawkmoth said by narrator

Now Nathalie was hanging on a roof

I say hawkmoth

Girl carapace came

I don't want carapace

Ok can hawkmoth just come to the rescue when he's on a mission else where no

He's hot

You cannot be picky when your over here by the rooftop hanging

I don't care

Well fuck that shit I ain't saving your ungrateful as

Then he left

Wait no.... No no...

One day she found him and followed him unaware of the danger she was getting herself into

Inside the room

You cannot stop me !

Then she came in

Omg hawkmoth ! Said her

Miss your in danger said hawkmoth

Yes said the man

Give it to me ! Yelled hawkmoth

No ..

The two started to fight then the miraculous got thrown into her

Get rid of it Its not safe !

No be careful with that I need that

Get rid of it

Then she put it on her then it teleported her into her room she was now unconscious

Shit said the man then twisted hawkmoth neck

Hawkmoth dies ?!?!

Yes he did

No he doesn't

Yes he did

No he doesn't !!!

What do you want it to be ?

I just want you to kidnap him

Ok we kidnapped him

Well meet again said the man then left with hawkmoth

Nathalie woke up in her room then herd someone talk

Hey girl said the bird

Who said that ? Ask Nathalie

It was me bitch said the bird

Pearl ?


How can u hear you ?

You are one of us Mother fucker you are at a bird girl you are mayura

I'm a what ?

A bird

I'm a what ?

A bird what are you still doing here you need to go and save hawkmoth !


Then she saw the pin and said

Transform me

A blue light came out then she had her blue dress she was now mayura

I'm coming for you hawkmoth

She then left the house and found hawkmoth on the saMe building

Give me Hawkmoth !

Alright but first your gonna have to fight

She then prepared herself

No not me ...

Then a work super hero came out

A worm ?!?!really you have to be joking

Then they fought Mayura defeated worm man XD

You versus me Said the man

Nathalie punched him then it knocked him out she got to Hawkmoth and untied him

Hawkmoth come on let's get outta here

The end said adrien


You want them to kiss ?


Ok so hawkmoth kissed mayura they got together the end ok good night little sister

Night big bro

Adrien left the room then went downstairs

So you told her the story ? Ask Nathalie

Yes mom said adrien

You know that's not true right ? Ask Gabriel

I know said adrien

The true story is I gave up being hawkmoth the villain then I got with Nathalie the end Said Gabriel

Yes I'm tired good night mom and dad

Night son

The boy went to his room

Nath I'm glad I married you

Me too come on let's go to lizzy I know that girl she secretly closes her eyes then she's not asleep at all

Whatever you say my love

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