Worst teacher

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Hi I'm Nathalie I'm a teacher at France I teach college students in every school there's the jocks the cheerleaders the kid that has high grades the class president the class photographer the mean girls the nerd the class clown. The artist the bully and then there's me the teacher

I love my job said the principal

No not him this is me the teacher

Nathalie was walking to the halls when the nerd bumped into her she pushed the student then am the jock threw a ball at her she catches it and threw it to the nerd the need falls down now everyone was cheering

The class room

You know sometimes I wonder why the help am I a teacher I don't even like teaching .  .......well some kids I like the cheerleaders though

Then the students were cheating she yelled

Omg if your gonna cheat cheat well !! Jeeze

And my least favorite student is the class president

Fire she said

All the students threw a book and a notebook at the class president

The only time the class is productive is when the principal comes

The principal comes through the door then everyone started to act all nicely

What does this mean class ? Ask Nathalie

Everone raised there hands and said pie


They all started to clap there hands Nathalie winked at the principal and he winked back

Besides the class room there's the tea hers lounge

Ahh alone at last said nathalie

Then the teachers came in they started to talk

Lets talk about the kids

Alright well the kids are all smart
said ms emilie

All they do is fast said Nathalie

Oh we just had a ball said emilie

Omg I hate them all said Nathalie

I can't wait for the next class said emilie

They could kiss my ass said Nathalie

Teaching is so fun said emilie

Are you done ?

She threw water at her Then the tea hers started to dance

Oh and my favorite out school

She was walking when she saw the students fighting

In the tea her ill just stop this .........but when I'm not in school I'm not the teacher

She went to the students everyone got silent

Who ever wins gets a name said Nathalie Then the students started to fight again

Now you are probably wondering why a bad teacher like me still has a job

Principal you have to get rid of ms Nathalie she's not a teacher

I understand your passion

She's not a Spartan

School would be worry without her

She leaves class before the student

Listen I just got engaged and I don't have time for

Then the bell rings

I'm gonna be late I can't be late said the student

Then he left

Yeah I'm not firing her said the principal

Then Nathalie came in

Hi Gabe...

Hi Nath are you excited for our wedding ?.

Yes very I love you so much

Mee too

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