Elevator Disaster

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It was summer at Paris it was very hot so hot that you can cook eggs on a tile floor so hot that swimming pools are becoming got tub Nathalie went to the mansion wearing a different attire she wore a black knees skirt then a red long sleeve blouse it was summer so it's ok to changer her clothing she went inside the mansion was like a fridge but for her it was like hell wherever she go she can feel the heat

Good morning Mr agreste

Good morning Nathalie

The two were now working as usual then after 2 hours Gabriel felt an negative emotion he needed mayura because maybe this was there time for victory

Nathalie I feel a strong negative emotion will you help me?

Of course sir

The two went to the painting Gabriel pressed the buttons then they were now on the elevator leading to the lair. The elevator was small so it was kinda awkward when the two went down then suddenly the elevator stopped

What just happened? Ask Nathalie

It seems there's a power outage said Gabriel

No I still have Wi-Fi connection to the mansion the elevator must be broken or stopped for a moment said Nathalie

I really need to fix this elevator when I have time said Gabriel

After 30 minutes of waiting the elevator was still not moving Nathalie was getting annoyed because it was really hot

Ok I'm done.... Sir will you please look at the other direction?

What why?

Just do it Pls....

He did what she said then Nathalie started to unbuttoned her clothes she had no choice because it was really hot

Sir please whatever you do don't look at my direction you're going to regret it said Nathalie

What are you even talk----?

He saw with her clothes unbuttoned revealing her bra

I said you would regret it said Nathalie

Gabriel turned away looking like a tomato

Nathalie......what... Are you doing? He said in a frustrated way

Well sir I don't have a choice it is very hot and I will not sweet myself like I just played soccer or football for 3 hours


2 hours of waiting the elevator still haven't move this time Gabriel was also feeling the heat so he removed all his upper clothes he notice Nathalie talk

Hello gorilla ....yes pick him up by yourself ....I'm outside ......were on a meeting..... Go tell Adrien ok bye

She turned in annoyance then notice her boss bear chested so she quickly turned around again she was like a tomato

Are you ok Nathalie?

Yes....Mr agreste

Then the elevator started working it made a big thud then her boss fell then she fell on top of him the two blushed madly then they stopped at the lair The negative emotion was still there she got out and fixed herself and her clothes so did he then they did there every day hawk moth and mayura but of course they failed so they went back to the elevator to go up then it stopped again

Of come on she said then broke the glass

Nathalie are you ok? Your hand is bleeding said Gabriel

Yes sir I'm fine

He took off his clothes then made something to stop the bleeding so he was bear chested again then of course she took off her clothes it was even hotter than before 1 hour of waiting then the elevator work then the two were upstairs Gabriel grabbed the emergency first aid kit then bandaged her arm the two were basically naked well except for Nathalie cause she still had her bra on and her skirt Gabriel didn't have anything on top he only had his bottom he was bandaging her arm then he looked at her eyes then she looked at him it was a long silence then Adrien walk in

Hey father do you notice it's so hot---- He stopped and look at the two adults that have noting covering them on top

He got embarrassed and quickly shut the door then run back to their room

Umm what just happened? Ask Nathalie

I don't know

Maybe he thought we were smashing said Nathalie

Gabriel blushed then smirk we can always make that come true Nathalie

She made a evil smile then she kissed him then he kissed her back the two Tell on the bed Gabriel was on top of her

And I thought you couldn't get more handsome said Nathalie

He smirked then said well I always look handsome thank you very much then they continued kissing meanwhile at Adrien

Kid are you ok? Ask plagg

I came on their room in a wrong timing


Then he left his room and went to his father room he took a peak then notice the two on bed kissing that made him blush and embarrassed so shut it without anyone knowing then he went to gorilla

Don't ever call Nathalie or my father understood?

Then he nodded

Adrien came back smirking he was going to have fun at dinner

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