Prank Gone wrong

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Gabriel and Nathalie were dating for almost 7 months today was April fools day Gabriel was planning on breaking up with Nathalie as a prank adrien was part of it but this prank will not end well I can tell you that...

Father What if she tools it seriously ?

We have no choice adrien we've plan this for half a month now and this was your idea remember ?

Oh yeah stupid mouth and brain

She's coming adrien hide

Then adrien hid in his cabinet

So me agreste why did you call me

He said in his head ..

She's gonna kill me

Nathalie we need to talk

Ok what do we need to talk about ?

Nathalie listen


You are a lovely person and your beautiful but..

But what ?

I'm breaking up with you

Then she started to cry then ran fast out of the room before Gabriel could say it was a prank then Adrien went out of the closet

Father you have to find her quick !


Then Gabriel ran outside and went to his office he notice all her things gone

Oh no I made a mistake....I knew this was a bad idea

He thought of a place of where could she be then he remembered the  fountain in the park so he went there then he noticed her crying .

Nathalie ....

She didn't look at him

What do you want ?

I wanna say something ...

What ?!?!

The break up ...

What you wanna rub it in cause you have a new girl

No let me explain ..

There's nothing to talk about here


What ?

It was a prank Adrien was part of it

Well it's not funny !!

Then she ran away

I really messed up

Then he ran after her then he catches her and picked her up

Put me down !

I'm sorry nath I know its not a good prank pls forgive me..

No we're done were over !!

No Nathalie were not pls forgive me


Then he put her down

Pls Nathalie forgive me ...

Don't call me nath ever again were done !!!

Then he cried he knew he really messed up Then she said


Then she started to laugh he look at her and started to tickle her

Hey... Stop ..that

No you prank me that's my revenge

Oh well you planned it ?



Don't worry I can only be mad at you if you did something terribly wrong and I hope you don't cause of you do say your last words

I would never do anything to hurt you I love you so much

Oh ok i love you too

Then they kissed

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