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Today was Nathalies and Gabriel wedding everyone was so exciting they announced to the media only a few weeks ago and now there popping out everywhere in the social media

Nathalie was on the other room preparing she was with her friend penny

So girl you excited ? Ask penny

Penny I'm nervous ..

Girl you don't need to be nervous think about it your going to be married to the live of your life isn't that exciting ?

Well yes

So you don't need to be nervous


Ok let's go your going to be late

Adrien walk in the room looking surprised

Mom you look amazing..

Thank you adrien

Come on let's go now said penny

The three of them left then they went to the church later Nathalie was walking to the isle then She got to the front the priece started to talk

Gabriel do you take Nathalie as your wife ?

How dare you No one could ever replace Emily ! Said Gabriel

Is that a no ? Ask the father

She glared at him like she wanted to kill him in that moment then realized what he said then said in his mind

Oh shit..

Really father ? Ask adrien

She didn't response she just left the church crying then penny came to him and slapped him

I hope your happy now that she's very hurt !!

Then she ran after Nathalie

Father this is the third time you said that to her fist in your date second in your anniversary third in your wedding .....father we know no one could ever replace mom but you can move on from her even if she's not with us she's still in our hearts

Your right adrien.....I'm such a fool

Now go and apologize to mom or I might never see you again cause she might put you 6 feet under

Your right

Then he left and went to find Nathalie

Meanwhile with penny she was comforting the crying bride with her other friends

Nathalie you have to calm down or you might get asthma attack again Said penny

Penny's right said celine

But she didn't listen she just cried and cried then someone knocked on the door

I'll get it celine come here said penny

She went to open the door and saw Gabriel she ask
What do you want is hurting my friend still not enough ?!?!

Penny pls I wanna talk to her and apologize pls

Fine if you don't apologize I might put you where Emily is right now ..

Of course

Then he went inside the others left leaving the two alone


What do you want !!!

I'm here to apologize ......I'm sorry

Get out....

Nathalie pls listen to me ..

No you listen every time were together you always have Emily on your mind if you want her so badly then why don't you steal ladybugs and chat noirs miraculous again ?!?!why don't you come with her to heaven I'm sick of it Its not fair that every time I try to love I ended up being hurt ........

Then he kissed her in the lips which she calm down

Look I'm sorry Nathalie o promise you ....I've moved on from emilie even if she's gone I'll still have her memory in me but you Your my present and I will focus more on you I promise you that so pls give me a chance if not now I'll wait ...cause I don't deserve to be forgiven after what I said to you in the altar

I'll give you one last chance but if you don't keep your promises then don't even think of me having you back in my life

Thank you my love

You absolute dork

At least I'm your absolute dork

Your right .... I love you

I love you to my Nathalie

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