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Gabriel and Nathalie were in jagged stones room to discuss some business matters Nathalie and penny were taking down notes

Hey penny

What is it Nathalie ?

Look at jagged

She did then she blushed

Nathalie stop it ..

Penny Rolling Stone ...


Then she herd she slapped penny and said

Omg penny what did you just tell ?!?!I'm gonna die if embarrassment

Sorry Nathalie hehehe


Nathalie what the heck !!!! Penny said

The two girls started to argue meanwhile at the boys

Did she just say what I think she said ? Ask Gabriel

Jagged just turned red and stayed silent

Later. The 4 of them stayed silent then just didn't finished the meeting later gabriel and Nathalie left

Nathalie why don't you wanna come in ? Ask Gabriel

I'll just walk to the mansion

That's nonsense Nathalie I'm already going to the mansion just come with me

Yes sir..

Then the two went inside the car the travel back to the mansion the two were silent

They got to the mansion Nathalie hurried back but Gabriel grabbed her she froze

Nathalie why are you in such a rush ?


Listen my last name really suits you huh..

Omg did he just said what I think he said ?!?!

I'm gonna adopt you so your name will be Nathalie agreste

Really?!?! I don't get paid enough for this .. Fuck you !!! I hate you so much

Nathalie ?

I'm gonna make my resignation now

Why ?

I quit ...

No you won't

Yes I will

You can't last a day without me

And you can't last a second without me

That's true ....I'm just kidding I would never adopt you

Phew...u just hope that's true

I will marry you

I'm dead

Then she collapsed

Nathalie ?!?! Noo!!!!!!

I'm still alive you know ..

Yes but it's just drama

What ever

Nathalie say it

What ?

You love me

No I love hawkmoth not you your already married Hawkmoth is still single

Really Nathalie ?


Then he carried her to his office then transformed and kissed her

Now do you love me ?


What ?!?!

Mayura loves you I love Gabriel No wait Gabriel loves emilie

Yes but emilie is dead now do you love me ?

Let me

Then he de transformed

now do you love Me ?


That's what I wanna hear

Whatever love square is hard

What do you mean ?

Well hawkmoth likes Nathalie Nathalie likes Gabriel Gabriel likes emilie mayura likes hawkmoth

Well Nathalie and Gabriel are the same person so yeah

Whatever let's just kiss


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