She's gone

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Nathalie was sleeping next to his husband for 2 years now guess who it is two its her boss he proposed 2 years ago then now married

Nathalie was having a nightmare right now

She was running through the rooftops of the Paris house she was on her mayura form to her suprise emilie was trying to chase her she was also on her transform self she couldn't believe it cause she was mayura she look at herself then she saw she was on her regular clothes again

What ?

Then she fell she was falling on a black hole e everything disappeared then she fell on a ground nothing was there ..

Hello is someone there ? Ask Nathalie

Pls help me ... Said mathalie again.

Then a figure approached her it was emilie

Emilie....what do you want ..?

He will never love you ...

What ?

Your nothing your worthless I'm more special than you Why don't you die join me Nathalie come and die with me

Stop...pls !!!

Your just a worthless woman your nothing!!!!!

Then she woke up she saw her ring and started to remember the memories that were truly wonderful but the nightmare is still stuck to her

Your nothing !!!!

She got up without waking up her husband and went to his office and got the peacock miraculous

Miss ntahlie I miss you !!

Me too but I need to get some fresh air. Then we can talk

Alright say the magic words

Duusu spread my feathers

She transformed Then opened the window and jumped off she then went to the Eiffel tower to the very top and started to talk with duusu when she de transformed meanwhile at the mansion gabriel tried to hug his beautiful wife when he notice her gone h3 got up and searched for her in 5th whole mansion she was not there he noticed his office door opened he went inside he notice the safe and the miraculous gone then the window was opened he eire his miraculous then felt Nathalies sadness he head out to where it was he notice a person in the top of the eiffel tower so he went there and it was Nathalie talking with duusu

Nathalie ?

Oh I didn't notice your there sorry

No it's ok ....what are you doing here it's late ?

I just needed some fresh air

You can do that without being mayura I know theres a problem tell me

Do you regret marrying me ?

What ?

I mean do you think it was a mistake marrying me ?

Why would i regret that of course not I love you very much

I guess I needed to hear that...


Cause ei had another nightmare about emilie

Well she's gone now don't think bout her just think bout the future your in right now

Ok thank you I feel much better

Lets go back shall we ?

Yes my love

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