Mistle toe

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I know its not yet Christmas but I just got this idea hope you like it

At the agreste mansion Nathalie and adrien was decorating the giant tree Gabriel agreed adrien could have a Christmas party with his friends on the mansion only if he doesn't sneak out again on Christmas adrien agreed it was the happiest day of his life

Adrien had a plan for his father to kiss Nathalie it was a mistake toe but he didn't know where to put it yet so he just wait

All his friends came to the mansion then they started there Christmas party meanwhile Nathalie was on the balcony admiring the snow fall

Nathalie ?

Hmm ..oh Mr agreste do you need anything ...?

Nathalie it's Christmas call me Gabriel not sir Gabriel

Alright Gabriel

What are you doing down here it's cold ?

Nothing I'm just admiring the snow fall

Oh alright then

And you ?

I was trying to find you ...

Why do you need anything ?

No I don't ....we should probably go inside adrien probably waiting for us


They went inside then adrien ran and hugged his father

Thank you father for letting me throw the party

Your welcome adrien

The two were hugging then Nathalie took a picture of them secretly then she smiled and put her phone away

Nathalie join us said adrien

Me ?

Yes your family said adrien

She came to the two adrien smirked then backed away causing the two to share a hug without adrien The boy got his phone and took a pic

Hehehe my plan is working

Then the two adult realize what just happened they pulled away Nathalie was a red tomato but she just hid it away then she got a phone call so she excused herself

After her phone call she went back to her desk to work Gabriel looked for her then he found her on her desk working so he went to her and picked her up

Hey out me down !

You we won't work today

No I said you won't work today

Nathalie.... Its a Holliday don't work just relax

Fine but put me down first

Only if you promise not to work

Fine I promise I won't work only for today

That a good

Then he put her down but he didn't release her

Umm can you release me ? I need to log off my computer

You can do that without me releasing you ..


Then she logged off then they went to the door they notice a paper

Hi father Nathalie if you two are reading this then that means you fell for my trap I wanted to thank you for this day so look up and that's my thank you gift for you two



The two looked up and noticed a mistake toe above them Nathalie was turning into a tomato again like earlier in the hug she was about to leave when Gabriel stoped her

S...sir ?

I said call me Gabriel


Come on Natha I know you want to kiss me for a long time now so your dreams will finally be a reality

He held her waist then kissed hervNathalies dream was coming true she kissed back then wrapped her hands on his neck

Meanwhile at adrien he saw the two kissed he took a pic then the two broke apart ..... He went to then

I'm so happy for you two can I call you mom Nathalie ?

Of course

Father I'm waiting for my little brother of sister I want that's as my Christmas gift said adrien

The two blushed then adrien left

So Nathalie do you wanna make adrien dreams come true ?

Why are you asking me ? You know my answer is yes

Alright then follow me pls

Yes Sir

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