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Paris was at there doom hawkmoth defeated both of them a giant sentimonster was now destroying Paris a akumatize victim was freezing the Parisians  everyone was scared even the two heroes hawkmoth finally got what he wanted

The two heroes were tied up but still transformed they were being brought to a room

Where are you even taking us ?! Ask ladybug

Shut it once we get to my lair I can finally make the wish  !! Said hawkmoth

You will never win hawkmoth !! Said chat

You can't do anything anymore said hawkmoth

They entered the lair it more likely his basement they saw many butterfly's plants what caught there attention was a coffin

Oh so you prepared us a coffin how ironic said chat

That coffin is not for you two

Then who is it then ? Said ladybug

I don't need to answer your question ladybug said hawkmoth

He went to the two heroes tied up and removed ladybugs earrings

Tikki no!!!

Well look who it is the Derby hat winner ms dupain Cheng

Marinette ? Your ladybug ?! Said chat

Yes...I'm sorry ...


Chat don't let him get your miraculous  yelled ladybug

But it was too late hawkmoth already took the ring out of his hand then he de transformed

A...Adrien ?! Said marinette

Yes marinette it's me said adrien

Adrien...your chat noir ...said hawkmoth

Why do you even care if I'm chat noir ?!!yelled chat

Adrien it's me

I don't know you !!!!

It's me your father

Father .....No...it can't be.....

I'm doing this for her Adrien

For who ?!

Your mother !

Then the coffin opened revealing Emilie

Mother.....ahhh!!!! What did you do to her !!

The peacock miraculous was damaged then it put her into an endless sleep

The peacock miraculous but mayura is hold--- no...she can't be mayura

Yes Nathalie is mayura

Ahhhh!!!! You monster why are you putting all the innocent lives in danger

Once I get her back this will all be over

I hate you !!!

Mr agreste don't the wish has a prize to pay said marinette

I know

Father don't do it

Before Gabriel could put on the earring a fan hit him hard and knock him over then the fan went back to the owner

What the who did that ? Ask marinette

I don't know ....

Then a blue female went down grabbed the miraculous and released the two teenagers.

What ...mayura ? Ask marinette

She look at the two then look at Gabriel who was starting to get up

Adrien marinette here take this and run

But what about you Nathalie ?! Said adrien

I'm gonna be fine I promise .... marinette take care of Adrien

Yes ma'am

Then they ran leaving the two adults

Gabriel you have to stop ! Yelled mayura

Nathalie what are you doing ?!

This is getting out of hand

What do you mean ?

Your gonna sacrifice your son just to save your wife your sick Gabriel sick !

Nathalie stay out of this

I can't believe I use to have feelings for you ....

What ?

I had feelings for you ok ?! But you were too blind by the past

And you would think I would return them ?! I only loved Emilie and you knew that you can't just wake up one day and convince me to just fo get about Emilie

I never said any of that the reason I'm helping you it's because I want you to be happy again

If you want me to be happy again then...nooroo dark wings rise ......get out of the way

So what ?! So you could take the miraculous back?!

Nathalie if you want me to be happy you would step aside

I won't let you hurt Adrien and marinette

Your not his mother

I'm not but if killing you equals the safety of Adrien then so be it

Is that a challenge ?

Maybe it is

You know you can't defeat me

Let's see about that hawkmoth

She grabbed an amok and put it into a object then made a giant sentimonster to block him

I'll see you later

Then she jumped off the building lair leaving hawkmoth busy

Meanwhile mayura was running in the Parisian rooftops she used her powers to talk to ladybug

Marinette where are you ?

In the bakery


Mayura ran to the bakery of the dupain Cheng and saw the two heroes sitting looking tired

Nathalie ! Said chat running to hug her

Then mayura fell on the ground

Nathalie are you ok said chat

I'm fine it's just my amok is draining all my energy quickly since I already used two sentimonster today

I'll use my miraculous ladybug then everything will be back to normal

No not until we defeat hawkmoth

But what about you

I'll be fine

Sh snapped her fingers then her strength came back a little

We need to feed our kwamis said chat


They all de transformed then fed there kwamis


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