Hero ?

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Nathalie was on her lunch break then she notice all the people screaming there's another akuma attack she wondered who it is she herd

Nathalie where are you ?

Oh shit she remembered earlier this morning she told her frien that she doesn't like him the same as he does then he ran away crying sh felt guilty

Then the akuma said there you are the akuma victim grabbed her by the neck .

Nathalie say that you love me said the man

That you love me !

No I mean admit that you love me

No I won't have to admit anything to you cause I don't like you

Alright that's it

The man grabbed Nathalie then he flew to the Eiffel tower at the very top

What are you doing out her down !

Aww is hawkmoth scared for her love bird

Pit her down or you'll regret it !

Then come for her

Hawkmoth left his lair immediately and ran through the Eiffel tower he saw the akuma victim choking Nathalie while hanging then he let go Nathalie was now falling he needed to ask fast now or never .

He jumped and saved Nathalie from falling then the akuma got angry then went down to them

Give me Nathalie !!!

No leave her said hawkmoth

The akuma victim started to attack Hawkmoth but he dodge every single attack then he removed the akuma the man changed back

Leave said hawkmoth

Then the guy ran away

He went next to Nathalie then she woke up she who lot hugged hawkmoth so he hugged back the heroes just arrived they notice the two hugging they were shock especially chat noir Nathalies boyfriend was hawkmoth he was gonna ask a lot of question back home

Take her back to the agreste mansion I need to leave Mayuras probably waiting for me

Them the man left leaving the woman unconscious

I'll take care of it said chat

Then chat picked up Nathalie and went to there home he rang the doorbell then gorilla answers

Is fath---- Mr agreste there ?

The guard went to his office then moments later Gabriel went out

What happened to her

She got choked

Oh thank you chat noir for saving her I'll take care of now

Alright Good bye sir

Then the chat left the scene Gabriel carried Nathalie to one of the guestroom then she woke up

Nathalie your awake !

Is he gone ?

Yes are you alright

A little

I'm sorry I shouldn't have akumatize that person why was he so mad about you ?

I dumped his ass


Sorry I said I don't feel the same then he ran a way crying

Sorry o won't let anything happen to you again I promise then he kissed her forehead

I love you Nath

I love you too I mean....

Then he kissed her she just kissed back then Adrien went inside

Omg Nathalie are you alrigh---- I'll go check on you later

The boy left leaving the two blush

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