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Nathalie was on prison because of what she did earlier this morning she saw her old enemy she herd her bad mouthing her then she fought herband since her eninys boyfriend is a police he captured her now she's in prison she called Gabriel which he immediately answered

Nathalie where are you ?

Hey do you have 2500€?

Yes why?

I need it for an escape room

What kind of escape room causes 2500€?!?!


He got silent then ask her

Where are you I'll come there

She sent him the prisons a dress later he got to the station and Nathalie was free then they got home

Nathalie why were you at jail ?

Well earlier my old enemy was bad mouthing me I couldn't stand it then i started fighting her then her police boyfriend came and arrested me 2nd of story

Oh well next time do t just go and fight others it's not good

Your always like that trying to defend the person who already is a victim


Forget it You know what I quit I can't take it anymore your always telling at me. Blaming me for things then your always lecturing me what am I a kid ? Am I a meme like Gabriel where's your homework oh yeah Nathalie ate it ....

I'm sorry nath

She was so upset that she didn't even look at him

But I know 1 thing you won't quit

Yes I would

You can't stand a day without looking at me thrash why you have a gallery full of picture of me ...

How did you know

One time you left your phone then I saw your gallery

Violation of privacy gabriel!!

I know I'm sorry But I won't slow you to leave

Why? Cause the company will fall apart ?

No cause i won't let my Mrs agreste leave

You don't even love me so why would I believe you ?

Then he kissed her

Beleive me now ?


Then Nathalie Sancouer will you be my girlfriend ?


Believe me now ?


Then he started to tickle her


No not until you admit you love me

Fine I love you !!

That's what I want to hear

Then he kissed her

Believe me now ?


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