New villain

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Paris was on a lockdown because of the corona virus that was happening to the world so everyone was on there home they can't go outside mean while Nathalie got stuck on the mansion so she didn't have a choice but to stay

The four of them was on the lair Nathalie Gabriel nooroo duusu Gabriel was discussing he's master plan to be honest nooroo and duusu liked there owners now they were being nice to them

Ok so did you get it ? Ask Gabriel

Are we really gonna do this now that's there's a corona virus on the loose ? Ask Nathalie

Who's corona ? Ask nooroo and duusu

And how do we get it's miraculous?ask Gabriel

I'm out ! Said Nathalie

Nathalie answer the question said Gabriel .

Fine said nathalie

After 2 hours of explaining to them that corona virus is not a miraculous holder they finally get it

They went back to the office to cancel everything for the day Nathalie took a shower then changed into some loose sweater then lowered her hair after that she went to Adrien

Adrien what are you doing ?

Watching tv omg Nathalie you look great it's the first time I see you with your hair down

Thank you adrien I decided the bun is kinda annoying sometimes so I put it down

Oh do you need anything?

No I'm just here to tell you dont try and sneak out you might catch the corona virus

Who's corona ? Is it another villain of Paris ? Is it a miraculous holder like hawkmoth and mayura ? Is it a hero or villain ? Ask adrien

No !!!

Then she said in her head

Not everything is all bout miraculous all right ?!?! She sigh then said

Corona virus is a disease a very dangerous one if you got infected it can kill you immediately understood ?

Oh ok I promise I won't sneak out

Ok if you need me I'll be in my room


Then she went out and went to her room out duusu came out

Ms can I get a cookie ?

Sure duusu come with me

The two went to the kitchen then nathalie grabbed a cookie for her

Thank you

No problem

Then gabrielaplroched her wearing something different to he was wearing a white t shirt with. Black pants

Nathalie how long is the lockdown on Paris gonna take ?

Paris is on a lockdown for 1 week so I guess I'll be here for a week then


He noticed her look then he froze he look so cute on the clothes with her hair down

Sir are you alright ?

You should have your hair down more often

Um no sir it's unprofessional

Then he went close to her and moved her hair from her ear she blushed but he didn't notice

What are you doing now ?

Well since our work was cancel I was gonna watch some movie with duusu

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